9. The goat:-is worshipped by the Bhar- (famine), and the third sukal (plenty). Next vads when they worship the goddess Machhu, they are offered to a crow. If the crow takes
10. The cat:-is worshipped in the belief away the kedl, it is believed that the crops in that by so doing a man can win over his the following year will be normal; if it takes opponents.
away the dukál a famine is apprehended in 11. The bear:-is considered by some the following year, and if the sukal, it is people to be a holy animal because the god believed that the crops will be plentiful." Krishna married Jambuvanti, the daughter
15. The goose: -is supposed to be the of Jambuvant, the heroic bear who assisted
vehicle of the goddess Sarasvati. It is believRama.3
ed that its worship ensures success in any 12. Fish:-are considered sacred because
enterprise. If a goose is seen in a dream, it
is considered to be a very good omen. they are supposed to carry the food (pindas)
A goose is believed to be endowed with the to the man'es offered in water) at the shraddha
power of separating milk from water. It is ceremony."
supposed to feed on rubies. It is found in 13. Alligators:- are worshipped in a pond lake Man in the Himalayas. at Magar Pir, near Karachi."
16. The cock :-is considered holy as it is 14. The crows:---are worshipped because believed to be the vehicle of the goddess they are supposed to represent rishis.e
Bahuchardji.10 Some people believe that crows were for- 17. The hen is worshipped on the last merly rishis. They are supposed to have Sunday of the month of Jeth.11 divine vision, and food offered to them is 18. The parrot :-is worshipped by singers believed to reach deceased ancestors.
desiring to improve their voice. It is also A loaf is cut into three parts. One of them worshipped by dull persons desirous of is designated käl (ordinary), the second dukāl improving their intellect.12
The School Master of Aman. • The Deputy Educational Inspector of Gobelwad. 4 The School Master of Chhatrasa.
The School Master of Kolkl. $ The School Master of Todia, 10 The School Master of Luvaria.it
* The School Master of Todia.. 5 The School Master of Dadvi. 7 The School Master of Todia, • The School Master of Chhatrasan 11 The School Master of Aman. 12 The School Master of Todia,