exorcists abstain from certain kinds of is inhabited by Nàgs or snakes in human vegetables and sweets, e. g., the Mogri (Rat- form. The Nàg girls are reputed to be so tailed raddish) Julebi (a kind of sweet) etc. handsome that an extraordinarily beautiful They have also to abstain from articles of a girl is commonly likened to a Nàg girl. colour like that of a snake.
It is believed that in ancient times interA belief prevails that there is a precious marriages between Nags and human beings stone in the head of the snake. Such stones are were common. called mohors. They are occasionally shown It is a common belief that Kshetrapàl, the to the people by snake-charmers, who declare guardian snake of fields, married human that it is very difficult to procure them. brides. So, to propitiate him, his image is
It is stated that on dark nights snakas installed on the marriage altar, and the take these mohors out of their head and bride takes three turns round it when walking place theni on prominent spots in order to be round the sacrificial fire with the brideable to move about in the dark by their groom." light.
According to the Puranas, king Dasharath It is believed that snakes give these mohors married a Nàg girl Sumitra.8 Similarly to those who please them. If one tries to Indrajit, the son of Råvan, the Lord of take a mohor by force, the snake swallows Lanka or Coylon, married a Nag girl." it and dissolves it into water.3
At times snakes are seen in houses. They As stated above, the mohor has the pro- are believed to be the guardians of the perty of absorbing the poison from snake houses, and worshipped with offerings of bites.
lamps fed with ghi. After worship, the It is because a snake is believed to hold a members of the family pray to the snake, precious stone in its head that it is called "Oh snake! Thou art our guardian. Pror manidhar, that is, holder of a jowel.
tect our health and wealth. We are thy It is believed by some people that the children and live in thy garden."10 mohor shines the most when a rainbow Some people believe that the spirits of appears in the sky.
deceased ancestors, on account of the anxiety According to the Puranas the patal or for the welfare of progeny, become snakes nether word is as beautiful as beaven. It and guard the house, 11
· The School Mistress, Barton Femals Training
College, Rajkot Mr. K. D. Desdi.
The School Master of Vapod. • The School Mistress, Civil Station Girls' School,
Rajkot. 11 The School Master of Sayala.
* The School Master of Dbank. 3 The School Master of Chhatrasa 5 The School Master of Kolki.
The School Master of Kolki. 9 The School Master of Ziazuvada. 10 The School Master of Vanod, and Mr. K.N.