In some places, Bhagats or devotees 1 Sometimes the exorcist fans the patient of Màtà ji are invited to dinner along with with branches of the Nim tree, reciting a number of exorcists, who are generally mantras, and thereupon the patient becomes Rabàris. After they have assembled at the possessed by the snake and declares the house of the patient, they start out in a cause of his offence. procession headed by one who holds in his Some exorcists present a magic epistle or band a bunch of peacock feathers, to bathe charm asking the snake that bit the patient in a river. On their way to and back from to be present. The snake obeys the call, the river they sing songs in praise of the and appears before the exorcist. The latter goddess to the accompaniment of drums and then asks the snake to suck the poison from other musical instruments. After their re- the wound of the patient, which is done by turn from the river, the whole party are the snake, and the patient is then cuted.* treated to a feast, which is supposed to cure
In some places, the exorcist ties up the the patient of the effects of the snake-bite. 1
patient when the snake tells the cause of the Some people believe that snakes, like evil
bito. Next the exorcist calls on the snake spirits, can enter the bodies of human
to leave the body of the patient, who then beings. Such persons, when possessed, are
begins to crawl about like a snake and is supposed to have the power of curing snake
cured. bites.
On some occasions, the exorcist slaps the Every village hao an exorcioc who is a
check of the person who calls him to attend specialist in curing the effects of snake
the patient. It is said that the poison disbites. When a person is bitten by a snake
appears as soon as the slap is given. the exorcist is at once sent for. He gives
Some exorcists take a stick having seven the patient Nim leaves and pepper to chew,
joints and break them one by one. As the to determine the extent of the effect of the
stick is broken, the patient recovers, his bite. Next he asks one of those present to
recovery being complete when the seventh bathe and bring water in an unused earthen jar. He then recites incantations, and
joint is broken. sprinkles water from the jar over the body
It is believed that the Dhedas are the of the patient. If this does not counteract
oldest worshippers of Nàgs or snakes. When the effects of the poison, he throws red-hot
a person is bitten by a snake, he is seated pieces of charcoal at the patient when the near a Dheda, who prays the snake to leave snake speaks through the patient and states
the body of the patient. It is said that in that he bit the patient becanse he committed
some cases this method proves efficacious in a certain offence, and that he will leave him curing the patient." if certain offerings are made. After he has It is stated that exorcists who know the ceased speaking, the patient begins to shake mantra (incantation) for the cure of snakeand to crawl about like a snake, and is bites must lead a strictly moral life. If they then cured. If the man be doomed to touch a woman in child-bed or during her death, the snake would say, "I have bitten period the mantra loses its power. This can him by the order of the god of death, and be regained through purification, bathing, and I will not leave him without taking his by reciting the mantra while inhaling the life."
smoke of burning frankincense. Some
The School Master of Dbank.
2 The School Master of Dadvi. 3 The School Master of Dhank.
.4 The Schaol Master of Chhatrasa. 6 The D. E. Inspector, Halår.
6 The Scbool Master of Songadh. 7 The School Master of Sanka.