A belief is current that change of sex can be In some places, frankincense of gugal effected by the performance of the Shatchandil (Canarium strictum) or lobun (alibannm) in or the prayoga of Rudra, Bahuchardji, Asha- offered to the amulets before they are worn 10 puri and Mahakàli.1
Amulets are also made of tàd-patras (palmIt is also believed that change of sex can leaves). They are tied round the arm with an also be effected by the spell of magic.? indigo-coloured cloth.11
There is a further belief that Yogis by their Dords or threads are also worn with the incantations, and Mahatmàs by their blessings same object as amulets. They are generally or curses, can effect a change of sex.3
made of five kinds of silk thread, black wool, The following things are considered or red or black cotton thread. The length of efficacious in protecting oneself against evil the dora must be eight feet, one and a quarter spirits:
of a cubit or a man's height. 'They must have (1) A sword, (2) iron, (3) a woollen three folds and must be twisted seven or twentyblanket, (4) fire, (5) a coin in the funeral one times. After they are twisted, they are pyre, (6) a nail of a tiger, (7) a blue thread, knotted seven, fourteen or twenty-one times, (8) the red lead offered to the god Hanuman when they become ready for use. An offering (9) a lime consecrated with incantations, of frankincense made of gugal or of lobàn is (10) five kinds of cotton thread worn round made to a dora before it is worn 12 the elbow,5 (11) blood, (12) corn, (13) frank
It is believed by some people, that a chili incense. (14) salt, (15) water, (16) leather, amulet) or dora in order to be effective, must (17) an amulet of iron procured from a well
not be touched with water. polluted by the death of some one in its water,
The dora of the god Kalbhairav at Benares (18) a garland, the beads of which are made
which is made of silk thread with seven twists of the wood of the Ekal ber (Zizyphus jujuba)
is tied round the wrist of a patient in the (19) The sacred thread worn by Brahmans,
belief that it curcs illness. (20) iron nails extracted from a wheel of a
A janjiro (black cotton thread with seven cart used for carrying fuel for cremation,
knots) of the god Hanuman is worn round the (21) human blood,8 (22) a costly jewel.
arm with the same belief. Amulets are generally used as a precaution
Surakano, that is, twisted iron wire, conse against the attack of evil spirits or the influ
crated by the worshipper of the goddess ence of an evil eye. They are also used to
Machhu, is worn by the Bharvads round the cure diseases. They are made of iron, copper, tin, gold, silver, alloys of precious metals, or
elbow or the wrist with the belief that it leather.
cures wind. Chithis or pieces of paper on which mystic
Those people whose children do not live signs are drawn are put into the amulets and
long put silver anklets round their left legs are tied to the forearm with black woollen or in the belief that by so doing their life is silk thread.
lengthened. 13
· The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
The School Master of Mota Devalia. The D: E. Inspector, Hålar.
• The School Master of Dbank. 5 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
The School Master of Kolki. The Deputy Educational Inspector, Gohilwad. • Anklets are made of these nails and worn round the wrist.The School Master of Zinzuwada. # The School Master of Vasvad.
• The School Master of Kotda Sangani The School Master of Dhin
# The School Master of Gahilwad. + The School Master of Dhank.
# The School Master of Todia,