Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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The contemptuous names given to girls are:- and bathed her into the pond with the result
that she was transformed into a boy. The NAME.
MEANING king then built a big tank on the spot, which
is known by the name of Mèn.7 Liri
In a chapter called Brahmottar Khand of Dhori
the Padma Puran, which describes the glory Zini...
of a vow called Uma Mahesl, the greatness of Panji
observing fasts on Mondays is described at Kali...
length. Two Brahman brothers, one dressed Ful ..
Light as a
as a man and the other as a woman, set out on flower
journey. Once they halted in a temple of Nathi
the god Shiva, where lived a woman who bad Juthi
observed the fasts on Mondays. She invited Jadi ... ... ... Fat
them to dinner, taking them, as they appeared Monghi
to be, for a man and a woman. The devotion Jàba
of the hostess was so great that the brother Kadvi
dressed as a woman was actually transformed Jivi...
into a woman while portaking of the meal Divis
served to him, 8 Veju Bhilak, Chichi, Låghu, Mafat! It is related that in ancient times the son (useless), Gheli (mad), Panchi 5, Dedki, Kukadi of a certain sage once disguised himself as a and Zabu.
girl with the result that he was actually changIt is said that in ancient times change of sex
ed into a girl. He was thereafter called could be effected.
Mudràlopi and married to the sage Agastya. Tradition relates that all the children of a
The warrior Shikhandi who assisted the certain Solanki king died in infancy, except
Pandavas in killing Bhishma (who had vowed the last child, a girl. She was dressed in
not to raise his arms against a woman) was at male attire and passed for a buy. When the
first a girl, and was subsequently transformed pretended boy attained marriageable age, he
into a boy by the boon of the gods.10 was betrothed to a princess, When the day
There is supposed to be a forest of Pàryati fixed for the marriage drew near, the king in a continent called Ilavrit. Any man visiting became anxious and went on an hunting expe- it is at once turned into a woman, 11
it is at once turned i dition to pass the time. On his way back
A king named Sudyaman visited this forest from the hunt he became very thirsty, and
and was transformed into a woman. It was quenched his thirst with the water of a pond
only after appeasing Parvati by a sacrince near which a temple of Bahucharáji stands to that he was restored to his original form 12 this day. His bitch, which was with him. It is believed that in Kamaru Desha or the lenpt into the pond, and on coming out of the land of fairies, children are transformed into water was found to be transformed into a dog. the opposite sex by the spell of the inhabitOn seeing this the king bought his daughter ants, 13
1 The School Master of Dhank.
2 The School Master of Ganod. 3 The School Master of Kolki.
· The School Master of Bhayavadar The School Master of Khirisara.
6 The School Master of Sanke * The School Master of Ziozuvida
The Scbod Master of Dhink. • The School Master of Uptela.
1. The School Master of Ganad. 11 The School Master of Vapod.
12 The School Master of Bhayavadar. 13 The School Master of Jetpur.