Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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auspicious for performing certain acts, while cious for sending a boy to school for the first others are inauspicious for the performance time. of the same acts.
Wednesday is considered unfavourable for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the separation of brothers and sisters, but it is are considered lucky, while Tuesday, Saturday considered a suitable day for their meeting." and Sunday are believed to be unlucky,
It is believed that if a man wears new It is a common belief that one should not clothes on Sunday they will be burnt; if on go in certain directions on certain days ; for Tuesday, they will be lost ; if on Wednesday doing so results in what is called disha-shul or Saturday, a quarrel with some one is the or pain caused by directions.
result 10 Going to the north on Sunday, to the west It is considered auspicious to go to a on Tuesday, to the north-west on Monday, to Chamar or tanner on Sunday, to a prostitute the south-west on Wednesday, to the south on on Monday, to a Kachhia (vegetable seller) on Thursday, to the south-east on Friday and to Tuesday, to a washerman on Wednesday, to a the east on Saturday is considered ominous of Brahman on Thursday, to a Bania on Friday evil.3
and to a barber on Saturday, 11. According to another belief, Sunday and The beliefs regarding the lucky and unlucky Thursday are inauspicious for going to the days of a month are similar to those of the south-east; Monday and Friday, to the south- tucky and unlucky days of the week. west ; Saturday and Tuesday, to the north- According to some, all the day of the west and Wednesday to the north-east. bright half of a inonth are auspicious for
Some people believe that by going to the performing any good act, while the days in west on Monday or Saturday one secures the the dark half are considered favourable for fulfilment of the desired object.
perpetrating black deeds 12 Many bold that the favourableness or other- Some believe that the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, wise of the days for going in particular 10th, 11th, 13th and the full-moon day of a directions varies according to the occasion.
occasion. month are auspicious, while the 2nd, 4th, 7th, The auspicious days for sending a girl to
9th and 14th, whether of the bright or dark her husband's house are believed to be
half, as well as the new-moon day, are inMonday, Thursday and Friday, Sunday and
auspicious. 13 . Tuesday are also considered auspicious for a
According to another belief, the 1st, 6th girl to go to her house, but they are con
and 11th days of a month are good, the 3rd sidered very unlucky for her to return to her
and 8th are dates of success (that is acts parents.7 It is forbidden to eat dàlia (baked split
commenced on these days are crowned with grain) on Sunday, but it is favoured on success); the 5th, 10th and 15th are purna Friday.
tithis, that is, complete days, (meaning that Wednesday is considered to be a lucky day the inoon on these days appears full onefor sowing corn, and making purchases of new third, full two-thirds and coinpletely full); Articles. Thursday is believed to be auspi- while the 2nd, 7th and 12th are auspicious days.
· The School Master of Dbank.
* Mr. K. D. Desài. 3 The School Master of Sayala.
The School Master of Ganod. 5 The School Master of Vanod
6 The School Master of Ganod. 7 The School Master of Kolki.
The School Master of Bantva. 9 The School Master of Ziozuvada.
10 The School Master of Todia. I The School Master of Songadh.
The Schonl Master of Thank. 13 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.