Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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They present themselves as animals and pass | It is believed that mastery over ghosts can away in a blaze. They hum in the air with be obtained by dint of incantations or out being seen, wrestle with men or carry mantras. Those who subjugate ghosts in this unseen human beings from one place to way have power to command them to do another. Some women are believed to con- ! their behests. But the process by which ceive by intercourse with male ghosts. 1 such powers are procured is believed to be
If a man happens to step in the circle beset with dangers, and many lose their lives described by water round the offering given in so doing. to a ghost, viz., utàr, he is possessed by the ! There is also a belief that a bhut or ghost ghost. A house haunted by a ghost is the can be brought under control by lopping off scene of great mischief.2
a lock of its hair or top knot and keeping it Ghosts are said to be most mischievous in one's custody. ! during the first part of the night. Their It is said that this lock ought to be kept fury diminishes with the advance of night.3 inside the right thigl by tearing a hole in the
Ghosts are inimical to human beings, territ'y rlesh. It is believed that the thigh can be cut them, and sometimes, assuming the form of open by a hair of the ghost without injury.10 a cobra, kill those whom they hated most The ghost so subjugated should never be during life. 4
kept unemployed; otherwise it oppresses its They are pleased with offerings of blood." master. 11 To throw stones at houses and trees and to
It is believed that the spirits of deceased set them on fire are their usual pranks.
persons become ghosts under the following
conditions - The ghost called Jàn manifests itself as a
1 If scriptural ceremonies are not pur. giant, its height reaching the sky. If a man
förmed with the ceremonial offerings of rice comes under its shadow, le is seized by it and
balls to the deceased. dashed to pieces on the ground. On the
2 If the deceased dies with a strong contrary, if a man wins its favour, he becomes
attachment to worldly objects. prosperous. Hence a proverb has been
3 If the death is unnatural that is, caused current that " seizing another as by a jan"
by an accident. meaning " being attacked by a dire missor
| All ghosts get absolution by the perfor
mance of propitiative ceremonies by their There is a female ghost called Chudel.
descendants as prescribed in the scriptures.12 Its back is covered with flesh, its feel are
There are various beliefs current as to reversed, it's forni is hollow and its face
the state of the soul after death. The handsome like that of a charming woman,
Garud puràn contains many passages illusIt is said that a woman dying in childbed trating its movements after it leaves the body. becomes a chudel. Her form is a skeleton Says the book :behind with the figure of a pretty woman in “When the soul leaves the body it assumes front.
a form as small as a thumb. At this very
tune. "*
1' The School Master of Ganod.
* The School Master of Dadvi. 3 The School Master of Kolki.
The School Master of Oman, 5 The School Master of Khiràsara.
6 The School Master of Rajpara, T The School Master of Dhànk.
8 The School Master of Vanod. 9 The School Master of Dadvi.
10 Mr. K. D. Desài. 11 The School Master of Gondal.
12 The School Master of Ganod. The word Jan is the plural of the Arabic jinni. It has remained as a relic of Arab supremacy and occupation of the Kathiàwár coast just in the beginning of Islam. during its first conquests-about half a century after the Prophets' death.