Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ THE FOLKLORE OF GUJARAT 113 mouth are fierce, by whose three eyes the of this etiquette, one sneezes, he excuses himself forehead is ablaze, whose lustre is marked by saying that he is suffering from cold.2 by irresistible anger, who holds a crescent Some people believe that a sneeze in front is inoon on the forehead and matted hair on an indication of a broil on the road, a sneeze the head, whose body is besmeared with on the left side portends loss of money, one ashes; whose neck is adorned by the poison from above is a harbinger of success, one from of the fierce lord of the cobras. Oh! may below foretells danger, while the sneeze of the success attend to thee! Oh! Great one! man W.10 is engaged or is starting on the act The Lord of spirits! manifest thy form, contemplated is believed to be very injurious. dance, dance; move, move; tie with a A sneeze on the right is considered neither chain, tie; terrify by a neigh, terrify; good nor bad." kill, kill by the adamantine wand; cut, cut off by a sharp weapon; tear off, A sneeze in the east causes anxiety, in the tear off by the point of a spear; reduce, south-east foretells happiness, in the south reduce to atons by the bludgeon; remove, speaks of coming loss, and in the soutlı-west remove; all the evil spirits Swaha."1 is an indication of good. A sneeze from the There are various superstitious beliefs west or no:th-West is considered good, from entertained by people regarding sneezing. the north injurious, and from the east auspicious.. According to one belief, if a person sneezes Some lines from the sayings of Gorakhraj face to face with another who is about to begin an auspicious act, such as starting on a run to the effect that a sneeze in the cast journey, decking his person with ornaments, causes anxiety, one in the south-east inflicts performing a marriage ceremony, and the like, a soand beating, one 'in the south brings a it portends misfortune to the latter; but a visitor or guest, one in the south-west subjects the person concerned to a taunt, one in the West sneeze on his right or at his back foretells bestows a throne or crown, one in the northgood. A sneeze in front of a person starting West promises sweets or dainties, one in the to perform an auspicious act is supposed to north foretells good, one in the north-east mean that a blow has been struck on his fore brings disappointment, while one's own sneeze head, suggesting that the act should be stopped. is so ominous that one should never start out If, in spite of this warning, the act is on any business after sneezing. commensed, evil consequences are sure to The beliefs enumerated above relate to follow. A sneeze at a man's back confirms the sneezes which occur on certain week days, unobstructed fulfilment of the ac, taken in The sneezes which occur on Sundays have the hand, as it is believed to have patted the man following consequences. on his back or shoulders in token of approval. A sneeze from the east is good, one from the Sneezes on either side, right or left, portend south-east points to delay in the fulfilment of neither good nor evil. one's intended object, one from the south As a rule, sneezes are believed to forebode brings in profit, one from the south-West evil, and it is considered highly unmannerly to results in death, one from the West in happiness, sneeze while one is about to begin an auspicious one from the north-West throws one into the act or start with a good purpose. If, in spite society of good men, one from the north is • The School Master of Bhayavadar. vadar · The School Master of Kotda Sangani. 3 The School Master of Saaka. The School Master of Kolki. 5 The School Master of Chhardva.


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