set aside on the ground as an offering to the after it is heat, places it overturned in a evil eye. 1
bell-metal pot and pours over it water mixed If, in spite of the precautions mentioned with cowdung, so that the cup adheres to the above, the influence of the evil eye prevails, pot. This sticking of the cup is called najar the following remedies are adopted to remove chonti gai (the evil eye has stuck fast) and is its effects
believed to cure the child." (1) The evil eye is fastened or curbed, as (6) An exorcist is engaged to ware a bowl they say, by one of the processes described filled with water round the head of the patient. in Chapter III above.
He then drinks off the water, and the patient (2) A red-hot charcoal is placed on a dinner believes that the disease has been drunk plate and covered with an earthen jar. A with it. bowl filled with water is then passed round the (7) A handful of salt and chillies is head of the patient, emptied over the jar and passed thrice round the head of the patient pluced on it with its mouth touching the jar. and thrown into the fire. If the chillies burn Next, a scythe is placed over the bowl. The without giving out fumes of an unpleasant jar, which is heated with the heat of the burning ndour, the evil eye is believed to be at the root charcoal placed under it produces a hissing of the illness. 7 sound as soon as it is touched by the water (8) A little dust collected from a spot in the bowl, and is said to speak. This where two roads cross one another, or red process is called Ghadulo and is performed lead and oil offered to Hanuman, a red after sunset.
chilly, an iron nail and grains of adad (PhaseIn some places, it is a belief that the plate olus mungo) are packed into a piece of white to be used in this process must be of bell- cotton cloth with a black woollen thread, and metal, and that over the fire placed in it tied to the cradle of the suffering child. mustard seeds, chillies and salt must be thrown (9) A side of a loaf of millet flour is baked before it is covered with the earthen jar,3 by being exposed to fire, clarified butter is
(3) An utàr* or sacrificial offering is taken applied to this side, and a fine cotton thread to the village gate on a Sunday or Tuesday. is passed round the loaf. Next, the loaf is (4) Milk is passed three or seven times
waved round the head of the ailing child and round the head of the ailing child, poured into
thrown into fire. If the cotton thread is not a black earthen pot, and offered to a black
burnt by the fire, an evil eye is believed to be bitch on a Sunday or Tuesday..
the cause of the illness.
Sometimes the loaf is offered to a black dog (5) The mother or some other near relative
after it has been wared round the child's of the child suffering from the effects of the
head. evil eye, puts in a bell-metal cup mustard seed, (10) If the illness be due to the influence salt, chillies and seven stones from the village of the evil eye of a woman, she is called in gate, passes the cup thrice round the child's and asked to pass her hand orer the child's head, puts burning charcoal in the cup, and head.
Mr. K. D. Desài
• The School Master of Ganod. 3 The School Master of Dhànk.
. See page 3. • The School Master of Ganod.
5 The School Master of Vanod. 6 The School Master of Kotda Sangani.
7 Mr. K. D. Desdi. † This process is generally adopted in cases of milch cattle not giving milk and all other ailments to ascertain the influence of the evil eye. The School Master o! Dadvi.
9 Mr. K. D. Desii.