Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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pugue, etc.
presents a silver umbrella to the goddess, of The princess happened to look back at Ganpati the value of one rupee and a quarter or fivo on the ridge of Sumaria near Keshia, three rupees and a quarter, on the birth of a son to miles to the east of Jodia. So Ganpati would her, Burnt offerings and lapsi are presented not leave Simaria, and was installed there to the goddess to protect the town from such as Sumaria Ganesh. The same happened misfortunes as cholera, plague, etc. 1
to Ratneshwar near Badanpur; to KanakThere is a well-known place called nāth, at a place midway between Kanakpuri Vācbbda-solanki about eight miles from Zin- (the modern Kunad) and Badanpur; and to zuwada, Once a Rajput boy, aged sixteen, Hanuman, near Kunad. In the same manwas going round the marriage-altar at the ner, Nägnäth was installed near the Balamblia time of his wedding, in the village of Kuar, gate of Jodia. The old town of Kanakpuri when he heard a piteous cry from a distressed was buried by an earth-quake, and the cowherd, whose cow's were being carried away image Kunadia Hanumān was found among by freebooters. The boy inimediately ran to its ruins. rescue the cows; but he was killed in the The attendants of Sumaria Ganesh are encounter. A temple was built on that spot | Atits. A fair is held there on the 4th day in his lionour. There is a small kund near of Vaishākhi, when thousands of Dheds flock the temple, the water in which is believed to the place. The usual offering to the god never to dry up and to possess the quality of consists of sweet balls. Kanaknāth is attendcuring hydrophobia.
ed upon by Atit Bavās who share among Goradia Hanuman lies three miles from themselves whatever is offered to the god, Zinzuwada, and there is a tradition that there Shaivas hold a fair here on the 8th day of is # trensure hidden near by. Many vows the dark half of Shravan, ara observed in honour of Dismā Hanumän, The devotees of Kunadia Hanuman observe whose place is at a distance of two miles anagh '(vulgarly called anagodha) at his from Zinzuwada,
place on Saturdays. They cook their food The holy kund of Zilānand is one mile there and make offerings to the god before from Zinzuwada. It is a custom of the ncigli partaking of it, fasting afterwards for the bourhood to throw the bones of deceased day. The anagh is observed in the month persons into this kund, and a fair is held of Margashirsha. The attendants of this annually at the place on the last day of god are Khakhi Bavās. Bhädrapad. The Bhotāvo kund is one mile One mile to the north-west of Jodin, distant from Zilānand kund: the bottom of towards the sea, there is a stone image of : this kund presents a bluish appearance, and horse set up on a pedestal, known as Raval the water always remains hot. It is said Pir. A heroic Girisia of the Dil sect, that there are sulphur mincs below.
named Raval, was once shipwrecked while on A princess of Marwar used to worship five an expedition from Cuteh, and is said to leave gods : Sumaria Ganesh, Kanaknath, Ratnesh-landed at the spot wliere Rāvai Pir stands war Mahadev, Nāgnáth and Hanuman; and at present. He received a hearty reception she had taken a yow never to take food before at the hands of the then ruling prince of she had worshipped all of them. The gods Jodia (who was a Khavūs) and was installed followed lier everywhere in all her tours, but in the Durbär as Nana Räval Pir. they had made onc condition, that they would On the second day of the bright half stop if she looked behind at them on the way.of Ashadh (which is the new year's day
1 The Schoolmaster of Zinzuwada
+ The Schoolmaster of Jodia.