Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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when a fair is held at this placc : (1) the the qucen of the reigning prince of Patan Annakūt fair on the first day of Kärtik; could not be delivered of a child even though (2) Vasantapanchami fair, on the fifth day two years had passed since the time of con. of the bright half of Māgh; (3) Iutāshani
ception. Once while on tour the queen's or Holi fair, on the 15th day of the bright
party encamped near the nehado of Zunza half of Phälgun; (4) Ramanavami fair, on Bharvad. The latter, when he learnt of the the 9th day of the bright half of Chaitra, queen's misfortune, said that the co-wives of (5) Jamnashtami fair on the 8th day of the queen had bewitched her by tlte kaman the dark half of Shravan.
art, i. e., by passing an earthen pot round her To the north of Charadwa there is a field
and by burying the pot underground with a goddess, named Motisari Meldi Mātā, in
live frog hanging with its head downwards whose honour persons who are afflicted by in it. He added that the queen would not diseases take a vow of presenting a tavā (a be delivered unless the frog was brought cake fried in oil in a pan.). There is also a
out by some stratagem. He asked the queen serpent-god named Charmaria who receives
and her followers to stay there for some time, an offering of lapsi on every Aso-sud-bij,
and sent word to Pātan with a messenger i e., the second day of the bright half of
that the queen was delivered of a son. The Ashvin, 1
co-wives of the queen, dismayed at the unex. Besides these there are four temples of
pected news and at the futility of the kaman Shiva, one of Shaktimātā, one of Hanumanji art, went to look at the buried frog, which and two Mahomedan Pirs in the village.1
instantly jumped out and at the same moIn Limbdi Taluka, there is a temple of ment the pregnant queen gave birth to a Kälikī Mātā, in whose honour vows are son. As the child was brought to birth by the observed by persons suffering from physical instructions of a Siddha-purusha (a magician), or mental afflictions. The attendant at the it was named Siddharaj. The town of Zin. place is a Brahman, and the worshippers of zuwada was built in memory of Zunzā Bharthe Mätā visit her temple on a Sunday or a vad, and a temple of Rājbai Mātā was erect. Tuesday and offer sweetmeats or lāpsi. On
ed in honour of the queen. A large lake the eighth day of Ashvin a havan is made named Sensasar was also constructed in (i, e., offerings are burnt) before the god memory of Sensā, the brother of Zunza. dess.?
Soon afterwards people began to observe Vows in honour of Khodiar Mātā are effi-vows in honour of Rajbai Mäta. The devocacious in the prevention of such epidemics tecs of the goddess visit her temple every as cholera. The Khiyado Māmo quells evil evening. All newly-married couples in the spirits, bhūts and prets. The Khodo Māmo village offer salutations to the Mātā accomcures such diseases as cough and bronchitis. panied by hired musicians and a party of In the temple of Rāmnāth, a brahmabhoj-a women who sing on the way to the shrine. A feast to Brahmans-is given on the last day virgin walks in front of the party with an of Shrāvan.
earthen pot and & cocoanut on her head. Near the western gates of Zinzuwada is After the salutations, sweetmeats to the seen the celebrated shrine of Räjbai Māta. amount vowed for are distributed among all In old times Zinzuwada was only the nehado those who are present. Sometimes a woman of a Bharvād called Zanzā. At that time who has observed vows for the sake of a son,
1 The Schoolmaster of Charadwa. 3 The Schoolmaster of Zinzowada.
• The Schoolmaster of Limbdi Taluka. • Nehado is the residence of Bharvids or shepherds,