Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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There is a temple of Hadmatio Hanuinan of all beholders, the animal at once got up. about half a mile to the west of Luvaria. A Prithwi Raj got rid of his leprosy by the Kanbi of the Dhani tribe once, while pursued favour of Rajbai, who granted him an by robbers, took shelter behind the image of additional boon that she would come to help Hanumān, and vowed that he and his descen- him on another occasion if he remembered dants would discharge priestly duties towards her and sought ler assistance. Rajbãi then. the god if he escaped safely out of the directed him to visit Dwarkā. Long after, difficulty. The god protected him in his king Prithwi Raj, when he was at his own danger, and his descendants are now the place, remembered her in a moment of recognised attendants at the temple.? distress, and she went there (in spirit) after
The village of Aman possesses the holy giving instructions to her relatives not to tomb of Davalshah Pir. This Pir lived in
dispose of her body, as she would return the 15th century and was a native of Ahmed
soon. But the relatives did not understand nbad. He had come to serve in the Amaranher, and before she had returned from thina, when he was killed in a battle. A Prithwi Räjä's place, her body was disposed tomb was built orer his body, and he soon of according to the usual manner. For this, one to be regarded as a Pir, His name Räjbãi cursed her relatives that one of their became famous when a blind Bharvad descendants in each degree would turn out a regained his eye-sight through his favour. lunatic. In her memory a pillar was raised The Pir also gave a son to a Bania from and an image set up, both of wlrich are Ahmedabad who visits the tomb every year worshipped every morning and evening. in a black suit. Once a Miana killed a cow Milk, sugar and cakes are offered to her and took rot'uge at the shrine of this Pir: every morning in a thil or dish, and milk but the shrine spontaneously caught fire and and sugar every evening. There is n festihe was burnt with it. The present building val in honour of Rajbäi during the Navaratra was erected by the Bania, and the ladies of holidays." the Jamsaheb's court have supplied silver! The temple of Swami-Nārāyan at Charadwa gutes and copper rilings to it. The Jamsaheb contains the images of Shrikrishna, Baldev also presents kinkhab coverings for the tomb Rādha, Rama, Lakshman and Sita, The every year. On the night of the Cras (or ceremony of arali is performed before the the fair held in the Pir's honour) snndalwood images five times every day. The first is is burnt before the Pir,
called mangalirati or the auspicious irati Charadwa is well-known for the temple of
and is performed early in the morning. The Rajeshwari Mātā. King Prithwi Raj Cho- second is Shangår (Shringar) arati, when han suffered from white leprosy and was night garments are taken off the images and onee going to Dwarka, with the hope that new ones are put on for the day. The third, residence in the holy city would cure lum of Rajbliog árati, takes place at the time when his disease. On the way, oac of his best dainties and cooked food are offered to the bullocks suddenly fell. The animal was al- gods. The Sandhyā ārati follows the offermost given up for dend when a young woman ing of milk, sugar and cakes to the gods in named Rajbai, daughter of Udi Charan, the evening. The last, Pidhăn ärati, is happened to pass by while carrying water in performed at night, when night garments are earthen pots, Rajbãi touched the bullock substituted for the rich dresses of the day. with one of her toes, and to the astonishment There are five occasions during the year
: The Schoolmaster of Luvaria : The Schoolmaster of Aman. The Schoolmaster of Charadwa.