Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Orür, battlefield
7 & n.
Oulgaret, one of the four communes of Pondicherry Outlines of the History of Alamkara literature, Part II (contd. from Vol. XL, p. 288), 173, ff. Oxus, valley, early Tibetan invasion of, etc.,
117; river, 224-226, 228-231; problem of its source, by Lord Curzon and Sir H. Trotter..
padya, sub-divisions of..
Pahlavas, settle in W. India
Pakhtun Wali, Râja, and the Dard Republics,
173 34
111-116 271
Paleography, and the date of Kanishka Paleolithic settlement in Chok-tagh, traces of Pålaka, date of Palanga, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and Ya-Raju, Sup. 120 Palayams, of Râmnad, and V. Raghunatha 209 Palghat, R. C. Missionary district in 8. India. 24 Pallava, Rayas, Tondamans, their rise, 46; rule, in Conjeevaram.. Pallavamalla, Narasimhavarman I Pallavas, of Tondamandalam, and the Pallava Rayas, etc., 46; their origin, 72; or Kurumbas
Pallicate, Pulicat..
Pallikondan, shrine, Mahabalipur
Palm (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and VisvaSup. 119 136, 143 185
palm-leaf MSS., finds in C, Asia
Palni, and Mangammal.. paintings, in Temple of the Thousand Buddhas 194. Pamir, Little, lake, and the source of the Oxus. 254 Pamirs, and Sir A. Stein, 224-226, 228, f.;
and the source of the Oxus
253, f. Panan Devi (see e. v. in Index to 1916) and Sup. 117 52 6
Pancha Pandava Ratha, of Mahabalipur pandal, thatched shed .. Pandarams, R. C. Missionaries to the low castes in S. India, 24-26 99 Pandavas, the, and the Khijado tree F.G. 136 Pâpini, 106; and Katyayanâ, 107; first referred to dramatic art, 177; and Bharata.. 178, f. Panjab, and the Oxus riv., 255; and the Kushans.. Pan-Young, or Yong and the Heou Han Chou, 262, 263 & n., 264 233-236
Parallels, Some Interesting
140 152
67 53
73 14
68, f.
Paramêsvaravarman, or Mallaiyarkon, Pallava k. and the antiquities of Mahabalipur, 51; k. of Mallar, 52; (I) 53; called Atyantakama. 56 Parangis, applied to Missionaries 24, 103 Parantaka, first Chola k...
Parisara, family name of Kalki Paravans, and Christianity Pariahs, and Christianity, etc... Paris, has archaeological remains from C. Asia, 253; and Wm. Bolts
50 145, 149 24, 26 27, 99, f.
Parker, Capt., of the Grafton
Pàro, curative stone, F.G. 146; or Ratvano Pàro, Suleimani Paro.. F.G. 147 F.G. 151
parrot, the, and intellect..
Parsis, and the cow, F.G. 145; and fire.. F.G. 149 Parthia, Ngan-si, and Kadphises 261, f. Parthians, rule Lower Indus Valley, etc... 34; 269 Parvati, g. and the lion.. F. G. 145 Pârvati, sister of Ranganatha, and wife of Tirumal Naik
Pasupata, Biva's weapon..
36 54-56 Pasur, R. C. residence in 8. India 23, f. Patal, Nether World, and the Nage F.G. 143 Patala, and Hyderabad.. .. 133 Pataliputra, a science centre 135 Patanjali, and Papini, 107; and the drama.. 178 n. Pate, Ch., and Job Charnock .. .. 260 pathmár, pattamars, runner 9; 282 Patika, date 266, 267 & n. Pattavali Chronology, Jaina 152 Pattini, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and Viśva. karma, Sup. 118; and Ya-Raju Sup, 120 Pattukkottai, fort, inscrip. at .. 163 n. P'au Ta-jen, Mandarin, in Urumchi .. 202 pearl fisheries, of Râmnad Pedro, c., in Ceylon
.. 210 9
Pein (of Marco Polo) or Pi-mo.. .. 141 Pei-shan Gobi, region, and Sir A. Stein, 194197, 199, f. Pei-ting, or Chin-man, ancient cap. in Mongolia region Pelliot, Prof., and Temple of the Thousand Buddhas .. 194 Pennerton, and Penwortham .. 256 & n., 257 Penwortham Pennerton, Jarish in Leyland, Lancaster, mentioned in J. Charnock's will, 256 & n., 257 & n., 258 Perahara (see 8.v. in Index to 1916) and Yama. Simha-Bandara Sup. 120 persecution, of Christians, in 8. Jndia, 99; of Proenza, 100; by V. Ranghunatha.. .. 210 Persia, 34; 232; and Austria in the Eighteenth Century.. .. 278 Persian, dynasty, overthrown, language, in India, 34; designs in Astana tombs..
.. 203
: : : :
.. 278 6, 15