Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 320
________________ 305 INDEX . .. 249 Amoghavritti, the, the Chintamani, and faka. tayana .. .. .. .. .. 107, 1. amuleta, and evil spirits .. F.G. 125, f. A nagundi .. .. .. .. .. 239 n. anámiká, (Sansk.), ring finger .. .. .. 130 Ananda Rao Peishwa .. .. .. .. 212 Ånandavardhana, quotes Bharata, 176, 180; and Magha, etc. .. .. .. 181, 183 Anantavarman, Maukhkari k., inscrips. of. 125, 127 Ånantivarman, k. of Kashmir .. 180 ancestors, as snakes .. .. .. F.G. 143 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, (in 1787) .. 277 Andhakasura, enemy of Durga .. .. .. 68 Andhras, defeated .. .. .. .. 126 a igas, of the five samdhis, called sandhya nga. 182 Angirasa MArgaļi, and Vijaya Minakshi .. 273 animals, Prakrit names of, 35; names derived from, etc. .. .. .. F.G. 144, f.; 150 Anjengo, port, and the storm (of 1761), 10; and Austria's 18th century trade with .. 284 Annals, Chinese, and C. Asia .. .. 112, 169, f.; 200, 221, 223, 228 Annual Report of the Mysore Archæological Department for 1916, Bangalore, booknotice 135, f. Ant-hill, worshipped .. .. .. F.G. 139 Antiquary, The Indian, and the late Dr. J. Burgess, 1, 3. 131, f.; and the late Dr. J. F. Fleet .. ... .. .. .. 129-132 Antiquities of Kathiawad, etc., and the late Dr. J. Burgess .. .. .. .. .. 2, 3 Antiquities of Mahabalipur .. 49–57, 65-73 anuprāsa, figure of speech .. 173; 181 & n. Anuradhapura . .. Anwaru'd-din, and the Carnatic, 244 and, n.; his murder of Bangura Naik, etc., 245, f.; defeat by Chanda Sahib .. .. .. 247 Apabhramsa, see Prikrit .. .. .. 297 Aph-sa inscrip... .. Appaiya Naik, of Kannivåļi .. .. Appar, Tevaram hymner, contemporary of Narasimhavarman I .. .. .. .. 55 Apsarasis, actors, who helped Bharata .. 82 Aquitain, Acquitaine, ship, in the storm at Pondicherry, (1761) .. .. .. 11-18 Arab, conquest of Sind .. .. .. .. 206 Arabs overthrow the last Persian dyn. rule in India, 34; rivals to Chinese in Turkestan .. 112 Aramaio characters on pottery .. .. .. .250 Arantângi, battlefield in Ramna .. 210, 212 Arcclini, R. C. Missionary in Trichinopoly .. 100 archeological finds in C. Asia .. .. . 249, f. Archaeological Survey of India, eto., and the late Dr. J. Burgess, 1 and n. .. .. ..2- Architeoture, Muhammadan, in Gujarat, 3, of Ahmedabad, by the late Dr. J. Burgess .. 4,187 Architecture and Sculpture in Mysore, book. notice Aroot, battle of, 5; and Ramnad, 213, 218; and Madura, 217 and n., 243; and Chanda Sahib, 238; and Trichinopoly, etc... 244, 246 Areca-sickle, (see 8.v. in Index to 1916), and Viśvakarma .. .. .. .. Sup. 118 Areocapang, 13; see Ariankuppam .. .. 6n. Arif, unknown person, prescribed for Jahanara Begam .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 Arioncopang, Ariankuppam, near Pondicherry, and thecyclone (1761) .. 6& n., 9, 14, 16, 18 Ariyalur, dist., and Ranga Krishna Muttu Virappa .. .. .. . 105 &n. Arjuna's Penance, a bas-relief in Mahabalipur, 53; or Bhagiratha's Penance .. .. 54-56, 67 Arrow, (see 8. v. in Index to 1916), and Vi vakarma .. .. .. .. Sup. 118 arrow-heads, Neolithic, in C. Asia, 140, 167, 171 Art, Buddhist, in India, by the late Dr. J. Burgess .. .. Art, Buddhist, in C. Asia, 201, f.; textile, romains in C. Asia, 188; Græco-Buddhist, remains in C. Asia, 116; of Gandhara, etc., 144, 232; dramatio, first mentioned by Panini . 177 Arthad yotaniká, a work by Raghavabhatta .. 179 Arthasástra, of Kautilya, another work of the same name, 95; of Vishnugupta, 108; of Kautilya .. .. .. .. 220 &n. Arumbâ vur, Trichinopoly dist., inscrip. of Raiga Krishna Mutta Virappa .. 104 n. ; 121 n. Aryanatha, death of, 36 & n., 104; Mudaliar.. 241 Aryany, and Dravidians, their langs., 33, 36, 81, 94; and Varuņa .. .. .. .. 208 Aryas, all princes so called .. .. .. 94 Asaf Jah, Nawab, and Bangaru Tirumala .. 244 Asafu'ddin Sahib, Muhammadan saint, plotted against Vijaya Kumara .. .. .. 273 Asalat Khan, and Surgeon G. Broughton .. 48 ascetics, or Sanyasins, in S. India .. .. 24 Ashura rites, in Sind cult .. .. 207, f. Asia, Central, A Third Journey of Exploration in, 1913-1914, by Sir Aurel Stein .. 109, ff. 137, ff.; 165, ff.; 193, ff. ; 221, ff. ; 249, f. Asia, W., and China, ancient trade .. . 203 Âsirgadh, Nimêr dist., Maukhari inscrip, find 125, f. Askhabad, Russian cantonment near Persia .. 231 Asoka's Pillar Edicts and Dr. J. Fleet .. .. 131 ana, C. Asia, burial ground remains .. 202 astrologer, the, and ploughing, etc... F.G. 163, 164 Ata Magula, (see 8.1. in Index to 1916), and Vi vakarma .. .. .. .. Sup 119 Atiranachanda, possibly a surname of Nandi. varman, inscripe, of 53; (Pallava) or Naragimhavarman II . .. NO 960


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