Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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arikâl, Karecal, French settlement, 17 & n.;
(or Karaikal ?)..
Karlik-tag range..
Kartik Swami, and the peacock.. Kashgar, 223-225; or Tourfan Kashmir, and human beasts of burden, 112; and Mihirakula's defeat by Yasodharman, etc., 151-153, 261, 265 and n.; extent of.. 276 Kasi, choultry built by Mangammal 159 n. Kasimbâzâr, and Dan Sheldon .. 259 n Kasim Khan, Mughal general, under Aur. angzeb
Kasturi Ranga, Dalavai under Vijaya Ranga Chokkanâthat 187, f Kathiawad Antiquities, and the late Dr. J.
Burgess ..
Katta Têvan, polygar
Katyayana, and Panini..
212, f. 107 F.G. 136
Kautilya, author of the Arthasâstra.95, 108, 220 Kavya, treated by Bharata
Kavyadarsa, a work by Dandin
173, 177, f. 182 180
Kavyalankara, a work by Pudrata Kavyamimáriad, a work by Rajasekhara, booknotice ..
241 200 F.G. 145 262
Kavyaprakása, a work by Mammata Kazaka, Muhammadans, near T'ienshan Kempenfelt, capt. of the Norfolk, and the cyclone in Pondicherry (1761) 14-16; commander of the Royal George 17 & n., 19 Kennedy, Mr., and the Kushans 262, 265 Kermin, or Rich, Pass, in Hunza valley 137 248 Kesava temple, Somanathpur. Khara-khoja 202 Khara-khoto," Black town," and Etzina.. 197 Khara-nor, 1. 193
Kharuk, settlement in the Pamirs Khijado, Shami, sacred tree
Kharosht hi-documents on wood, found in C. Asia.. 151, f., 222 230 F.G. 136 201
Khocho, Kao-chang.. Khoh, grant of Parivrajaka Maharaja Hastin 291, f. Khorasan 231
Khotan and Sir A. Stein.. 139,141,153,262 Khushwaqt, chiefs, and Raja Pukhtan Wali.. 115 Khwaja Khizr, or Zinda Pir 205, f. Kielhorn, the late Professor, and Indian in
135 .. 180 200
129 261
K'ieou taieou-kiò, Kadphises
102, 188, 190; death, etc. ... Kila Wamar, cap. of Roshan Killi, Chola k., and the Mahabali kings Killoutis, isl., Bhambhor
Kilavan (old Man), Setupati; or, Raghunatha, 45 and n. 47, 96-99; & de Britto, etc., 209-211 254, f. 50 .. 133
kings, as patrons of arts and science.. Kinnara Raja, and the Marathas, etc... 97 & n. Kipin, Kasmir (?) and Kadphises, 261; route from 265 & n. 225-229, 231 26214, f., 18 181, n. 227
Kirghiz, tribe Kiumi, co., mentioned by Fan-Ye Knight, R., capt. of the Liverpool Kôhala, and Bharata..
Kohan Beg, Mingbashi of N. Pamirs Koh-i-Khwaja, Seistan disu., has Buddhist remains..
232 .. 208 F.G. 146 221-223
Kohistan, and Stone Age man.. Kolu, cocoanut Konchi-darya, riv. in C. Asia .. Konjamâna, donee in inscrip., Shikapur Taluq, 155 & n. Kongu, etc., invaded by Chikka Dêva of Mysore.. .. 122, 161, f. Konkanivarma or Avinita, newly discovered copper-plate of
Koran, the, and Chanda Sahib Korkulam (Quilon) and Travancore Korla, oasis
136 219 & n. 162 222, f. Kota-halu, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and Sup. 119
114 213 n. ..261
kots, forts, ruined, in Darel Köttür, inscrip. of Ananda Rao Peshwa Kouei-Chouang, Kushan Kozoulo, Kadphises, K'ieou-tsieou-kio, Kushan, k...
Kozoulo-Kadphises, k. and Kabul Koztoff, Col. and Sir A. Stein.. Kramastotra, a work by Abhinavagupta Kriságva, dramatic author, referred to by Pânini .. 177
Krishna, g. and Govardhana, 56; his wives, 62: and Kalki's incarnation, 148; and the demon Jalandar, F.G. 136; trees sacred to, F.G. 137; and bear worship F.G. 151 70 40 n.
Krishnamanṭapam Krishnapuram, vil. grant of
Krishna Raja Udayar, of Mysore, and Madura. 189 Krishna Ranga
Krita Age, and Kalki
119 150, 153 Krokala, meaning, place of the Crocodile, suggested identity with Waghador Kshatriya, class .. Kshatriyasimha Pallavegvaram, or Jalasayana shrine Kshetrapal, guardian spirit of the fields, etc., F.G. 134; and insanity, etc., F.G. 138; and marriage, F.G. 143; and crops F.G. 153 Ku-ch’êng-tzu, Guchin .. Kucha, and Sir A. Stein Kui-li, Tongli, co.
200 223 265 & n.
261 269
197, 222 180
133 91