Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 46
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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digvijaya, and Kalki
153 & n. Dikshit, he late Mr. Shankar Belkishan, and
Dhunda, demoness, and the Holi.. F.G. 155, f. East India Company, and Austria's CommerDhvanyálka, a work by Ananjavardhana 179-181n. cial Venture in the Eighteenth Century. 277-280, 283 East India Company and Visvanatha Naik East Indies, and the Yue-chi Kingdom Eiros, Mt., the position of, suggested identi. fication with Rerhi
the Gupta dat
130, 132 dipaka, figure of speech, in the Natyasastra, of Bharata
274 .. 266
disease, of cattle
.. 133
dishà-shul, pains
Ekoji, son of Shahji, and Singamala Dâs, 74 and n.,-78; and Chokkanâtha, etc. 98, f.; 120, 122 elephant worship F.G. 150 Elephanta, remains and the late Dr. J. Burgess 1, f. Elijah, Iliâs
206 9
Elizabeth, the ship, in the Cyclone of (1781). Ellis, Mr. Francis, friend of Mr. Job Charnock, 259 & n. 83-88; 91, f. 252
divine snakes
Dodda Dêva, conquered Kongu, etc. Dolan-achchik, salt springs in Kuruktag Domoko, Buddhist remains near
178, 181 F.G. 154 F.G. 129 F.G. 156
Divali festival and Govardhan Divi-kuduru (see s.. in Index to 1916) and
Sup. 119 F.G. 139 122 ..221 141 Sup. 118 F.G. 125 Doro, of Mahadev, ceremony F.G. 154 Dost Ali, Nawab of the Carnatic, 217; and the Marathas
Dondra, has an image of Visnu
Doràs, threads, as amulets
Draupadi, and the Arjuna Penance
Dravidien Element in Prakrit.
Dravidian, architecture
Dravidians, in India
drama, the Sanskrit dramaturgy, works on, 179; and Bharata, etc.
earthquake, in Sarez (1911)
260 177, f.
54 33-36 248 81; 94 95
E & O, the Wide Sound of, with Special Reference to Gujarati.. Earl of Lincoln, ship, the Joseph and Theresa. 279 Earth, or Bhûdêvi, 69; or Prithvi, F.G. 146;
F.G. 149 227 & n.
endogamy, and Caste in India.. England and Russia English, corruptions of, in the Indian Vernaculars
English, the, and Tippoo, 59 n.; and Sivaji, 77 n. ; in Madras, and Dâ'ûd Khan, 160 and n.; first appear in Indian politics.. Englishmen's furniture and its cost in 1682, from Old Factory Records Epigraphia Indica, commenced by the late Dr. J. Burgess
Ephthalites, in the Oxus Valley
Drum, (see s.v. in Index to 1916) and Viśvakarma Sup. 118 Dry Mountains, Kuruktagh, 201, 204; river, region, 221; settlement and remains near.. 222 Duke, the ship, (country vessel), and the cyclone
in Pondicherry (1761).. 6-9, 11, 15, 18, 21, 22 Duke of Acquitaine, ship, and the Cyclone in Pondicherry (1761) 6-9, 12-18, 20, 21 Dumas, French Governor of Pondicherry Dupleix, and Chanda Sahib .. Durga, in Mahabalipur Antiquities, 67, f.; image, gifted to Vijaya Ranganatha Durvimita, newly discovered copper-plate by. 136 Dutch, and the Cyclone in Pondicherry (1761),
12 and n., 13, 15; and slaves in Madura ..42 n. Dzungaria, plateau ..200
Etzina, c. (Marco Polo) and Khara-khoto 246 European History, and the number forty 233 evil eye, and amulets, F.G. 125, f.; and dákans, etc. F.G. 152, 154 evil spirits, protection from, F.G. 125, f., 132; or bhuts, list of, F.G. 134; and childbed, F.G. 135; and trees, F.G. 137; and snake bites, F.G. 142; propitiation of, F.G. 146; and silence, etc. excavations, of Mahabalipur excommunication, and Caste in India exogamy, and caste in India
F.G. 155 49
..93, f. 84 ..F.G. 154, f. Exploration in C. Asia, A Third Journey of, by Sir A. Stein, 109-118, 137-144, 165172, 193-204, 121-132 extinction, of the Naik Raj 218
3 79, F.
Eran pillar inscrips.
292 ..23 n. .. 131
Erandi, Jesuit Missionary in S. India Eras, Indian, and the late Dr. J. Fleet Eras, the Gupta, 148 n.; Chedi, etc., 269, f.; Malava, etc. 290-295
Erode, (Erroor) place lost by Chokkanatha.. Etruria, frigate, and Austria's commercial venture in the Eighteenth Century... 280, f. Etsin gol, riv., the united Su-chow and Kanchow 196-198