Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 51
________________ FEBRUARY, 1874.) AN ARABIC TALISMANIC CUP. 39 والسموات العلی الرحمن على | تفرقهم فد مری نهم و هم يتقدون و رحمة خلق الأرض منا , متاع إلى حين و إذا قيل لهم تقرا العرش استوى له ما في السموات وما في الأرض با با ب / من / // مي با باپ // /ن/ / ما بين ايديكم و ما خلفكم لعلكم ترحمون و / ا / و ان الجهر د الثرى اغوا / ا / / / یا / / وما بينهما و ما تحت با / - ست / /یا/ / فانه يعلم السر و اخفی “filled; and we created for them similar conveyances. Had we so willed it, we might have drowned them, without any one to aid them; nor are they delivered except by mercy from ns, and to enjoy life for a season. And when it is said unto them: Fear for your present and your past transgressions], that perchance you may obtain mercy, and - 12, "He created the earth and the lofty heavens. The Merciful sitteth on his throne! His is whatsoever is in heaven and on earth, and whatsoever is between the two, and whatsoever is beneath the earth. Though you may speak loud, He knoweth that which is secret, and what is more hidden." The next piece begins with the words كانوا عنها | ما تأتيهم من آية من آيات وهم ،، الله لا اله الا هو له الا سما الحسنی God! There اب می تنفقوا مما رزقكم الله معرضين واذا قال الذين كفروا الذين آمنوا أطعم من بو يشاء دي [nited مبين الله له إن أنتم ي في is no deity except Him! He has beautiful names!” The middle portions of these compartments are so extremely narrow that all the words are broken into pieces, and the whole writing appears to be intended merely to fill out the vacant spaces. This is certainly the case with the pretended talismanic writing, which contains scarcely any letters of the alphabet, and merely the arithmetical numbers ۲, ۳, 1, A, repeated many times; and in this way the remaining six segments are filled up. A few of these symbols are also placed beneath each circle and between the small triangular spaces above; in each of which is also inscribed the word bra guarding, memorizing, &c., or ) حفظه keeper, guardian, also one حافظ pl. of "(they tarn aside), thou bringest not to them a sign of the signs of their Lord but they turn away from the same. And when it is said unto them :-Give alms of that which God hath bestowed on you, the unbelievers say unto those who have believed :-Shall we feed him whom Gud can feed if He pleaseth? Verily ye are in no other than in an [evident] error." Here the twelve almond-shaped segments terminate, and it is curious how the above fortyseven verses of the Surah Yasin have been crammed into them. Six segments between those just given are also filled with writing in Buoh a manner as to constitute together with them six complete circles. These compartments are not filled with verses taken entirely from the Qoran, but mostly contain phrases on the meroy, power, and beneficence of God. Of these passages, the one which contains the greatest portion of Qorinio sentences is that between the segments 12 and 1; it begins after a little preamble of the writer's own composition with part of XX. 3, and fills the space, ending with the sixth verse as follows : who knows the Qorân by heart) guardian angels. After this nothing more occurs on the concave side of the cup except nine verses of the fortyeighth Surah, crammed very closely in a circular inscription all round the border as follows: ا ق ٹی بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - ا مبينة يغفر ت الله ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأتمر ويتم تنه ملي ويهدي مراطة متيها وينصر و الذي انزل البيئة في الله نقرا عزیز | من انزل السكينة عزيزا هو الذی م هم ( 0) قلوب omitted] المومنین لین دادوا إليزدادو


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