Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 56
________________ 44 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1874. with Lâkhả on account of an old feud, and Viramji : Dalo and Viramji and the Johyas after also at the instigation of the king of Patan. this went to Johyavati, in the south of the In reward to Shiyoji for this service, the Panjab, to the north of J esalmer and Vikasovereign of Patan bestowed lands in Gujarat ner. While there, Dalo slew Viramji in a quaron him : these lands are still enjoyed by his rel. The wife of Viramji, who was pregnant, descendants, and are situated in the Radhan- fled, wishing to return to Khergadh, but ere pur Taluka. It is said that when the tide of she could reach that city the pains of labour battle turned in favour of Shiyoji, Lâkhâ came upon her. She therefore alighted at the thus addressed the goddess of whom he was village of Kâlâ u , under Thal, and put up at a devoted worshipper : the house of a Châran named Kachar, where डमरु डाक नवजियां नहीं नेशाने गज she gave birth to a son who was named Chond. लाखो पुछे इसरी तुं केम उभी लज, This Chondâ, when he grew up, became a most distinguished warrior, and, collecting Rajputs, The damru and dák • have not sounded, nor made numerons incursions into the territories have the banners fluttered. of the Indås. The Indâ chief of Mandowar Lakhî asks the goddess, .Why dost thou gave a daughter to Rao Chonda. Chondâ went to stand ashamed ? be married; at the head of 20,000 horse, and, after The goddess, who knew that Lakha's hour the celebration of the marriage, forcibly retained had come, replied: possession of Mandowar, expelling the Indås, जे दन लखीया अक्षरे सो दन मलीया अज to whom, however, he allotted twelve villages in शीया आगळ शीव खडो ता मे उभी लज, the vicinity of Mando war as maintenance. It was when Chondâ was ruling at Man. The day which was foretold has this day do war that the old Charan of K â l â u visited arrived: Man do war and asked for admittance to the As Śiva stands before t Shiya, therefore I Rao, And on being refused stood under the balstand ashamod. cony in which Râo Chondâ was seated and imThe descendants of Shiyoji intermarried with provised the following lines :the Indâ branch of the Parihar clan, but this चुंडा नावे चीत काचर कालाउ तणा did not restrain them from enlarging their domains at the expense of the latter. Nine genera भड बेठो भे भींत मंदोवररे मालीये ॥१॥ tions after Shiyoji, Viramdev and Målinâth, the "O Chondâ, do you not remember Kachar of sons of Salkhoji II., made numerous conquests. Ka lâu, now that thou art securely seated in the Malinath was a worshipper of the Supreme lofty balcony of Mandowar." Lord, and did not meddle in matters of govern- Colonel Tod I quotes these verses, I venture ment, and the administration was conducted by to think, incorrectly, as Chonda nahin are chit Viramji in concert with Malinath's son Jagmálji. does not scan. It also would appear by my At this time the Johyas rebelled against the version that Kachar was the name of the Charan Padshah and came and sought sanctuary at of Kålân, and this is perhaps a more proKhergadh. Dalo, the Johya Chief, owned a bable rendering of the original. I do not mare of immortal breed: Jagmålji asked Dalo pretend that Shiyoji was positively the fourth for the mare, and on Dalo refusing to part with generation after Jeychand, but merely quote the her, Jagmálji prepared to attack the Johyas, legend for what it is worth. I can, however, and bad a skirmish with them, killing several attest the fact that Shiyoji's descendants still enof them. Dalo then took refuge with Viramji. Ijoy lands in Gujarât situated in Rådhanpur Enmity now sprang up between Jagmálji and territory. NOTES ON CASTES IN THE DEKHAN. BY W. F. SINCLAIR, Bo. C.S. The following notes relate to castes observed authoritative, but are simply my contribution by me in the Puna and Solapur Districts. to the general stock of knowledge on the subThey do not profess to be either exhaustive orject. Most of the information presented, has • Musical instruments. Shiya is short for Shigoji. 1 Tod's Rajasthan, vol. II. p. 13.


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