Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 307
________________ OCTOBER, 1874.) HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE TOWN OF GOGHÅ. 279 under the power of the Gobels, and eventually and that night the MAC appeared again to him was conquered by the Peshwâ, from whom in a dream and said, "On a certain day there will it was acquired by the British Government. be a mighty tempest early in the morning: on After the fall of Champåner, it is said that that day go to the sea-shore in such a spot, and the emblem of Kalka Mátå (a trident) which you will see a ship in its last extremity; the was sculptured on a large stone, in disgust crew, anxious to escape the perils of the sea, will at the desecration of Pawagadh, left that fort- offer to sell you the ship and its cargo. Pur. ress, and sailing down the Dhadar river landed chase it from them, and in it you will find vast near the spot now known as the Pàghadshâ Pir. wealth.” On the day fixed, tho Soni repaired to At this time there was a Soni in Gogh the appointed spot, accompanied by Ango and devotedly attached to the Hindu religion and a Gângo, and immediately they became aware of it worshipper of the Kamnath Mahadev, whose noble bark buffeted by the waves within easy shrine still exists about 1} miles to the south-west distance of the shore, the crew of which were of Goghå. He was wont daily to worship at making their escape in boats to the spot where this shrine fasting, and before performing his the three friends stood. On their landing, the adorations used to bathe. Near the shrine was Sonî and Waņas offered to buy from them their a large pit, and the Sonî used every day to ship and cargo; and the crew, joyful nt having carry away a basketful or two of earth from escaped alive from the storm, and fecling Cloubtful this pit, thus enlarging it. After the monsoon whether they would ever recover ship or cargo, was over, this pit used to hold water for three willingly assented, and accepting a very small or four months. One day the Soni dreamed that sum departed. Meanwhile the tempest abated. Kalka Mâti was pleased with him on account and the Soni with the aid of some of his cusof his devotion to the Hindu religion, and he tomers, sailors of Gogha, brought the vessel to was commanded to build a tank and erect on its a safe anchor. On examining the cargo they banks her symbol, and was directed to repair to found it to be dried dates, but, trusting to the the sea-shore, where in a named spot he would Mata's prophecy, they felt convinced that treafind a long stone marked with a trident. On the sure must be concealed in it. They accordingly next day, accordingly, on his way to the shrine brought all the packages to shore, and stored of Kamnath, the Sonî went to the spot on the them in a spot then covered with jangle and sea-shore pointed out to him in his dream, and bamboos adjoining the Kanthiaphaliu or shorethere found the stone whereon was sculptured street, and a little to the north of the present the Mata's trident. Now the Soni was a pious bazar. Here they gave out to the townsHindu, one who cared more for religions exer- people that they had withdrawn to fulfil a vow. cises than for the cares and anxieties of worldly and accordingly no one visited them; thus, affairs: he therefore went to the city of Gundi. without exciting suspicion, they contrived each gadh or Gundi, which was then still a large and day before dawn to unpack some of the packages, populous city, in which were Nagars, Brâhmans, and in each package they found two gold bars. Wânias, and the like. In Gundi resided two When the packages were landed, the Soni reWaniâs, named Ango and Gango, who were turned to his house, and Ångo and Gângo pedlars, and who were wont to repair daily to watched the packages and discovered the gold Gogha to sell their wares, resting at the bars, and while one would watch the treasure Soni's house, and returning in the evening the other took the gold bars one by one to to Gundi. The Sonî and these Wanas were Gandi, where they buried them in their house. great friends: the Soni therefore related to As soon as all the gold bars were safely stowed them his dream and the injunction therein away, the brothers invited the population to contained, as well as the subsequent finding carry away the dates gratis, and the villagers of the stone, and asked Ango and Gângo gladly did so, and the spot where the dates were whether they would undertake the excava- stored is still called the Khajurio Chotro. This tion of the tank on his account. Ango and chotro is situated in the bazár near the Sravak Gângo agreed to do this, but requested the Soni | temple. to furnish them with funds for so vast an Ango and Gângo, though they had thus be ome undertaking. The Soni begged them to wait, rich through means of the Soni and the favour


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