MARCH, 1874.)
says that in this last age of the world Narayan departs homeward, beseeching Satya Narayan to becomes incarnate and fulfits the desires of his assist him in his journey through life. followers. The mother on this determines to per- On the news of their arrival at the ghâț, the form a pujd, and, after begging round the town, danghter, overjoyed, throws down the sacrificial sits down to it in the evening. While they are food in her hasto to meet her husband. Satya. thus engnged, Satya-Narayan, in the form of a Narayap is ngain enraged, and sinks the boat Brahman, appears in a dream to the Raja who which contains her husband. The father is over. held the husband and father in confinement, and, whelmed with distress, and taking his daughter says, "Awake, O king! I am Naraya). If thou in his arms, bewails their affliction. The daughter desirest the salvation of thy soul and thy kingdom, appears inconsolable and determines to forsake release the two men whom thou last confined for life on the funeral pile. The parents attempt to twelve years." Awaking in the morning, tho comfort her, and assure her that Narayan will king sends for them, inquires their names and again be propitious. Narayan upon this speaks occupation, orders them to be instantly released, from the air, "Your son-in-law has perished and invites them to an entertainment. In return. through the fault of your daughter; she threw for his injustice, he order their bonts to bo laden away my offerings, and I have slain her husband." from his treasury, and, begging their forgiveness The father falls on the ground and intrcats forfor his inadvertence, dismisses them in peace. girerese. Narayan replies, "Let your daughter
With sounds of joy the merchants leave the city return home and cat up the food she has lost. Till on their return home. Satya Naraya2 appears to this be done her husband comes not to life." The them in the form of a sanngisi, and inquires with daughter obcy's his command; the boat rises from what their ressel is lader. They reply, "With the water, and the youth is restored to his family. leaves." The deity, offended at this dissimulation, The father expends a lakh of rupees in a splendid replics," So let it be then." On this, all the gold is sacrifice to the disposer of affliction and prosperity. instantly turnel into leaves, the boats become light, and erects a golden pennon. The book concludes and the merchant is thunder-struck. The son-in- with the praises of Narayar, and with a relaw advises him to seek out the sannydst. On find commendation to all to avoid displeasing him, and ing him, they fall to the ground and inquire of him to repose the highest confidence in his favour. " What god art thou? What incarnation P Wherc- ! From this specimen it is casy to observe that fore hast thou blasted our hopes?" Horsks in these legendary tales, absurd and monstrous as reply why they thus accost him, and denies having they are, differ wholly from tales fabricated in dono anything. The merchant says, " Thou hast Europe, in that they have an immediato object turned my gold to leaves." Satya-Narayan in view, that of exalting some kind of gainful smiling, replies, "Didst thou not, at the first worship, and of infusing terror into the minds of sacrifice, prefer to me a request for a family, and those who, from any motive whatever, may be promise me a golden standard ? Hast thou ful- unwilling to fall in therewith. And when we filled thy promise ?" This recals the circumstance consider that the gross ignorance of the people to his recollection; he puts his cloth round his neck renders nothing in these tales monstrous or increand intreats forgiveness, promising to sacrifice aible in their view, it is easy to conceive what a to the amount of a lakh of rupecs. Pleased with hold thego must have on the weak and superhis submission, the god repairs to the boat, nnd, stitious mind, and what a source of gain thesc with his mendicant jug sprinkling the lading,trans. become on the one hand, and of terror and misery tutes the cargo of leaves to gold. Tho merchant on the other.-Calcutta Journal, Dec. 24th, 1820.
members of their association who are pursued or The Minds of Rajputând and Gurgaon are essen- captured for offences against the law, and to en tially a criminal race, and number altogether about denvour, by such sympathy and by n tender care ot' 8.000, irrespective of the Minds of Kherarand Mehr- their families, to dissuade them from giving any in. war. They chiefly reside in those districts of the formation against their accomplices. This fellowPattiala, Nabhn, and Jhind States, which formed fooling, and the absence of all zealous coöperation the confiscated territory of the late Nawab of Jhajar, with the efforts of the Thăgi and Dakaiti Departand round about Shajehånpur, in the British District ment on the part of the native officials where of Dehli. They are both intelligent and enterprising, these criminals congregate, make the pursuit and and there is a feeling of clanship which leads them arrest of Mina Dakaits, and their associates of other persistently to sympathize with, and support the tribes, not only most difficult, requiring the great.