Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 104
________________ 90 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [M ARCHI, 1874. MOSES AND THE HERDSMAN. Translated by E. Rehatsek, M.C.E. Mesnavi of Jellal-aldyn-Rúmi, 2nd Duftur. a good number of useful books, and some novelties, among which I may mention a Karana of King Bhoja, dated SÅke 964, or 1040 A.D. The Yatis here do not possess much more than what we have got in Surat. They are very friendly and communicative. The Panch of the Osval, to which the great Bhandar belongs, is very tough, and requires frequent admonitions from the Rawal, but, I believe, finally we shall see everything. J. G. BUHLER. Jesalmer, 29th January 1874. SIR.-In sales of cattle (cows, bnllocks, buf. faloes) in this part of the country, it is usual for the seller to take a small quantity of straw in his land, and put some cowdung upon it, and present it to the purchaser. This completes the bargain. The words used by the seller are," For desire for money I have no right to the cow," or "I have a right to money, and no right to the cow." H. J. STOKES. Negapatam, 18th February 1874. EXPLANATION OF THE TAMIL METHOD OF NAMING THE DAYS OF THE WEEK. Beschi, in his Tamil Grammar of the common Dialect, mentions the fact that "the Tamilians reckon the days of the week as seven, and name them from the seven planets, in the same order that we are accustomed to "; but he gives no explanation of the method adopted for so naming them. I had the following given me by the Rev. Dr. Caldwell many years ago, but from what source derived, I cannot say. His name is a sufficient guarantee of its correctness. 1. Saturn (Tamil) Sani, Saturday. 2. Jupiter Viyazam, Thursday. 3. Mars Sevv&i, Tuesday. 4. Sol Ny&yaru, Sunday. 5. Venus Velli, Friday. 6. Mercury Budan, Wednesday. 7. Moon Tingal, Monday. Earth Each hour, according to Hindu notions, being ruled successively by & planet, by counting the 24 hours of a day by each planet belonging to it in the above order (which is that of their apparent distance from the earth), it will be found that each day is named by the planet which governs its furst howr. The first 25th hour is the first hour of the first day of the week, Sunday (Nylyaru), and counting with the 25th as the first of the second series of 24 hours, the next 25th will give the Moon for Monday (Tingal), and so on for the rest of the week. Madras, February 27th, 1874. C, E, KENNET, | شداني را براه ہی دید موسی اله خدا وای کوهی گفت اي چاکرت تو کجاي تا شوم من چار نت دوزم کنم شانه سرت جان من خداي من فدایت اي جمله فرزندان وخان ومان من کنم شانه سرت تا تو کجاي زنم دوزم و بخیه چارقت را پیش به ترا بيماري اید در چو خویش من ترا غمخوار باشم پا یکث بمالم برسم دستکت جا يكت برویم آید خواب وقت را من دوام خانه ات گربه بينم روغن وشیرت بیارم صبح و شام روغنين نانهاي و پنیر ہم ناز نین جفر ا تها ي خمر و سازم و آرم به پیشت صبح و شام از من آوردن ز نو خوردن طعام اي فداي تو به بزهاي من ي و بهاي من اي بیا دت ي زین نمط بيهوده میگفت أن " شبان ايفلان با کیستت مرسي گفت ما را آفرید که آنکس با گفت این زمین و چرخ ازار آمد پدید خیره سر شدی گفت موسی های خود مسلمان نا شده کافر شدي این چه ژاز است این چه کفر است و فشار خود فشار اندر دان پنبه کنده کرد جهانرا کفر تو کند کفر نر ديباي دین را زنده کرد مر تراست ویا تا به لایق چارق رو است را چنينها كي آفتابي گر بند ي زين من تو حلق را را خلق بسوزد آید آتشی آتشی گرنآ مد ست این درد چیست جان سیه کشته روان مردود چیست گرمي داني که يزدان داور است ژاژ و کستا خي ترا چون باہرست دوستي بیخرد چون دشمني است حقتعالي زاینچنین خدمت فني است با که میگوي تو این با عمه و خال جسم و ما جت در صفات ذوالجلال


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