This inscription is on a stone slab 21 inches long and 6-7 broad, tut reduced to one-fifth in linear measurement on the accompanying facsimile. It will be extremely interesting to those few scholars who occupy themselves with researches of this
kind, and who on account of the scarcity of these documents, each of which is at least two thousand years old, can but seldom enjoy the pleasure of handling a new one: -
4411197104111814411•1•44kolX800 04 | 111-149801474140.11•14X9M110 111084 XH1•1•14958419000101490 011 0111111
1X1041 0144089
Transcript :
הופעתת ואההו ובוהמי בנו רימם ה דתו לבעל ביתהמו מדפן הגן וקוהמו ב מסאלהו לופיהמו ועפי אקניהמו ולדת
.1 .2 .3
de Silhin;" accordingly I supply the lacuna of one letter occurring in this line by and the complete word will be on
with pronominal_sufix in the plurai אקניהמו .4
ONDO TODT 4. 1. In nipon the final n is not necessarily a feminine termination, and I prefer to take it for a masculine. All the other words of this line are well ascertained.
2. The most plausible letter for filling in the tirst lacuna of one character appears to me to be, and about the second there can be no doubt, since the upper part of the letter is sufficiently plain to enable us to restore it.
3. M. Halévy has (Osiander 19, J. A. 1873, p. 321 seq.) for 1 5 "qu'il les bénisse," and elsewhere for mo na bo'" pour le salut de la maison
of p "property, possession, acquisition;" for Yong', the only word of this inscription which ought not to present any very great difficulty, on account of its well-known surroundings, I am nevertheless unable to propose a better approximation than islo" to double, to augment."
Hofa'sat and his brother, with their sons the Benu Raim", have rerovated to Ba'l their house Madfan (lit. sepulchre), because he has heard them in his grace! May be bless and protect (or save) their possessions, in order to augment their prosperity !
NUMISMATIC and other ANTIQUARIAN ILLUSTRATIONS of Chronicle, and here collected in a separate form the Role of the SASSANIANS IN PERSIA, A.D. 226 to 653. | to court the criticism of antiquarians in this By Edward Thomas, F.R.S., Correspondant de l'Institut branch of Oriental research, -being intended as a de France. (London: Trübner, 1878.) 94 pp.
basis for a more extended ossay on which the The papers in this small volume are a reprint of author is engaged for the new edition of Maraden's #series of articles contributed to the Numismatic Numismata Orientalia. It is indeed a inost valu.