Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 300
________________ 272 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (OCTOBER, 1874. the gift of Viharas, their qualities and names discharged the several duties of human life, are described : The king who has obtained life caused to be constructed & mountain-abode of and by ... the umbrella is held, had a son the Lord. It is becoming in Bodhisatvas who named Dhritarashtra, who had the white have great opulence, and who are anxious both umbrella... This king's son, whose countenance for worldly and for final eternal happiness, that was beautiful like the lotus and moon, was they should first perform glorious deeds. (It is Hari Sâmba-his son of spotless wealth was said that) as long as its fame lasts in this world, Kshitipala - Sauri Sa mba... was so long does the spirit enjoy delight in heaven: Upendragupta, very famous and illustrious. therefore glorious works, calculated to last as Afterwards, his son, well known as Skacha," long as the sun and the moon, should be con&c.; and towards the end, though it is much structed in mountains. For the spiritual benefit defaced, we find the following phrases :-" The of Bhav virâja, the minister of the very glostupendous Chaitya of Munirája (ie. Sakya rious Aéma karája, whose good-heartedness Muni'or Buddha), this monolithic temple- has existed in various lives, --who is firm, jewel." ... " having given plenty, constructed grateful, of good intellect, learned, eminently a Chaitya here, difficult even to be imagined learned in the doctrine of the Acharyas and by little minds" ... "delightful in every of the Suras and Asuras, --who knows people way, at the extremity of the hill, towards the thoroughly; who is the patron of the zealous west constructed the great Gandha-kuti followers of the very compassionate Samanta(cave)." bhadra (Buddha); who is of good speech and The names of Dhritarashtra, Hari Sâmba, great by qualities; who is the image of humiSauri Sâmba, Ravi Sâmba, Upendragapta, lity; who is renowned in the world for good Skacha, Nilapasa, Skâcha, and Krishṇadása, acts ;-this great minister of the king, who gets which oocur here, are probably those of petty works of immense labour, which may be exacted chiefs. To the left of Cave XXV. is an- by force, performed by mild measures, whom other inscription. After the first line, which resembled his son, the clever Devaraja, is defaced, it proceeds ;-"the lord of Munis who, after his father's death, did credit to his who was relieved from the round of deaths dignity by his good qualities, also for the good obtained, the state of freedom from decay, and of his own mother and father did Buddha. of immortality, and, being of fearless mind, bhadra cause this Sangata's abode to be obtained the state of eternal happiness and ex- constructed by Devarája), having first called cellence, which still makes the worlds a city of the good disciples and Bhikshus, Dhar. peace. To him who is fruitful, plentiful, and madatta, and Bhadra-bandhu, who substantial, obeisance and praise are becoming ; completed my house, may the merits of this be to him the offering of a single flower leads to the to them and to the worlds for the attainment of attainment of the fruit known as heaven and the great Boddhi fruit, renowned for all the moksha (beatitude). For this reason, in this pure qualities..." world, the reasonable being, intent on doing The rest is defective, but may be seen in the good, ought to pay intense devotion to the Ta- Doctor's version. thagatas (i. e. Buddhas), who are distinguished But there has been nothing yet discovered for praiseworthy attributes, who show great yielding a date for any of the caves. compassion to mankind, and whose heart is full It was in the time of A soka-B.C. 263-226of tender mercy. The gods, being liable to misery, that Buddhism spread most rapidly over India. are not glorious; Sâmbha, by a curse, had his In the 18th year of his reign a great council eyes agitated by fright; Krishna also, being was held at Påtaliputra to revise and settle the subject to another, fell a prey to death. There- doctrines and formulas of the religion. At the fore the Sugatas, relieved eminently from fear, conclusion of this synod the Mahavartha tells us are glorious. Even the grateful and good Muni, that,—“The illuminator of the religion of the who was the chief of the elders, who pro- vanquisher, the thero' (or Sthavira) Mandpounded the institutės, and who meritoriously galaputra, having terminated the third convoSoo Ajanta Inscriptions,' by Bh&u Dajt, in Jour. Bom. B. R. As. Soc. vol. VII. pp. 63-74; Jour. As. Soc. Beng. vol. V. Pp. 342, 554, 729.


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