[JULY, 1874.
a great number of the bazîr people. Some of the Portuguese crossed with them, and, the gate in the first wall being blocked up by the wounded elephant, got into the fort. The Musalmans, seeing this, tried to shut the gate in the second wall, but were prevented doing so by a wounded horse having fallen there. Here fell the Franciscan Father Antonio, who had accompanied the troops with a crucifix fastened on to the end of a lance. This enraged the Portuguese, who rushed forward and got inside the second wall, notwithstanding the fierce resistance of the Musalmans, and Frate Khan was here taken desperately wounded. Only the "Tower of Resistance" now remained, and here the Musalmans who had escaped made a last stand. The Portuguese sent to Chaul for scaling-ladders, and so, after great resistance and slaughter, got possession. Frate Khan, convinced by the Portuguese victory of the truth and power of their God, became a Christian, and dying of his wounds was buried at Chaul with great pomp. His wife and daughter were taken in the “ Tower of Resistance;" the former was ransomed for a great sum, and the latter sent to Goa and afterwards to Lisbon, where she became a Christian.
In this affair the Portuguese lost only 21 killed, and about 50 wounded; the Musalmans are said to have lost 10,000 in killed alone. The works were destroyed, as the Portuguese had not men enough to hold them, except the " Tower of Resistance," and the battery which stood on the point running out into the river, in which a
captain with a few men were afterwards posted. The trophies of the day, besides the riches of the bazár, were much ammunition, many horses, five elephants, seventy-seven pieces of artillery, and a quantity of small arms.
De Coutto's work, from which the above account is taken, was published early in the 17th century. An inscription (given in Mr. Hearn's Statistical Report on the Colaba Agency) states that the Viceroy of India ordered the present fort to be built in 1646, and that it was completed in 1680.* The greater part of the works are still in very good preservation, and it is clear that the Portuguese rebuilt it on the same general plan as the Masalmans had originally adopted. The promontory is fortified all round, and crossed at the top by two or three walls with gateways and bastions, so that each enclosure might be defended as a separate fort: several of these gateways have the names of saints engraved on them. At the point commanding the entrance to the harbour is a large battery, and the level space between this and the bottom of the hill apparently contained the quarters of the troops. At the extreme point is a large pedestal, on which probably stood a cross : for De Coutto mentions that, before the Musalmâns first fortified the Rock, there was a cross at this point, which was miraculously preserved from destruction, though the Musalmâns did their best to overthrow it. The chapel is in the highest part of the fort and close to the magazine.
BY J. MUIR, D.C.L., LL.D., PH.D.
(Continued from page 170.) Mahâbhârata, Aśvamedhika Parvan 2784 : Within that portal, sternly barred, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which To gain an entrance, oh ! how hard ! leadeth unto life," &c.: Matthew, vii. 14.
What forms its bolts and bars? the sin Heaven's narrow gate eludes the ken,
Of those who seek to enter in. Bedimmed and dull, of foolish men.
"This castle was commanded to be built by the Viceroy tuguese. Compare the globe which is the badge of our of India, Don Felippe Meneses, in November Anno 16-16, Royal Marines.-ED. Fernando de Miranda Uyeri being Captain of Chaul, and f Only an outer wall on the E. slope has almost disapwas finished in May 1680, while Christova da Brenda peared.-ED. Zevedo was Captain of this fortress."
I So have the bastions, which were all named after saints, It is over a gateway in the highest part of the fort, 400 but have now Marathi names, The last Marath commandfeet above sea level, and is surmounted by the arms of ant, who was a Wanjari by caste, died a few years ago. Portugal. In another place are the same arms, with A very large gun is said to have been given by the English three arrows in sheaf on the left, and on the right a Government to the Habshi of Jinjira from the Pusanti terrestrial globe devices which also occur in Chaul, and Burj or S. E. Bastion. are said by Hearn to signify, the arrows thirty years of The P&til family of Korle still worship the remaining peace, and the globe the foreign power of thé Por guns once a year. -ED.