MAT, 1874.]
studied the whole Veda repeat more than the first hymn, and a khand or more of the Brahmana, thus following the precept of Aśvaliyana: sayavan manyeta tavadadlitya, “ having rocited so much as he wishes." The Brahmi. yajna of the followers of the other Vedas
इदं विष्णुविचक्रमे त्रेधा निर्दधे पदम्। समूळ्हमस्य पां
सुरे॥ onsists of the first sections of their Samhitas इदम् । विष्णुः । वि। चक्रमे । त्रेधा । नि । दधे । पदम् । स
and Brdhmaņas, and the opening sentences or verses of the other Vedas. The Vedangus | मळ्हम । अस्य । पासरे। and the other works are dispensed with. The Vedic learning of the Grihasthas
Krama. extends generally thus far only, but that of the Bhikshukas goes further. Some of these latter are what are called Y âjnikas. They
performance of the sacred rites. They study the manuals of domestic rites based on the several-Grihya Sutras. The mannal used by and for the Rigvedi followers of Aśvala
known by the name of Náráyanabhatti. The Hiranya keshi Yajurvedis use the Mahesvara-bhattt, composed by Mahesvarabhatta, and the manual followed by the Apastambas is the work of one Chandrachada, while a book of the name of Prayoga-Derpara
few other works of this nature which are | .
इदं विष्णुः । विष्णुवि । विचक्रमे । चक्रमे त्रेधा । त्रेधा नि। follow apriestly occupation and amonkiled in ess निर्दधे।दधे पदम् । पदार्मति पदम्। समूहमस्य । समू
हमिति सम् ७६व्हम्। श्रस्य पांसुर (पासुर इतिं पांसुरे॥ yama is one composed by Naviyapabhatia and इदं विष्णुर्विष्णुरिदमिदं विष्णुः। विष्णुर्वि विविष्णुर्विष्णुधि ।
| विचक्रमे चक्रमे विविचक्रमे।चक्रमे त्रेधा बेधा चंक्रमे चक्र
ia. मे त्रेधा । त्रेधा नि नि धा धा नि। निदधे दधे नि is used by the Madhyandinas. There aro | नि दधे । दधे पदं पदं दधे दधे पदम् । पदमिति पदम्।
| समूहमस्यास्य समूळ्हं समूहमस्य । ममूळहमिति
सम् ईव्हम् । अस्य पांसुरे पांसुरेस्यास्य पांसुरे । | पांसुर इति पांसुरे ॥
इदं विष्णुर्विष्णुरिदमिदं विष्णुर्वि वि विष्णुरिदमिदं विष्णुवि। ਜਿਥੇ ਕਿਆਸੂ ਬੁੱਕ ਕਰਕੇ ਬਵੰਜਾ ਕਿ ਬੁੱਖ ਦੀ
मे । वि चक्रमे चक्रमे वि वि चक्रमे त्रेधा धा चंक्रमे ruar. A vaidika is thus a living Vedic | वि वि चक्रमे त्रेधा । चक्रमे त्रेधा धा चक्रमे
चक्रमे त्रेधा नि नि त्रेधा चक्रमे चक्रमे त्रेधा नि । intreatAn these T show below by an ex. या नि नि धा त्रेधा निदधे दधे निधा त्रेधा निर्दछ।
the rites is based on these. But a more important class of Bhikshukas are the Vaidi. kas, some of whom are Yajnikas as well. Learning the Vedas by heart and repeating them in a manner never to make a single mistake, even in the accents, is the occupation of their life. The best Rig vedi Vaidika knows by heart the sinhitá, pada, krama, jard, and ghana of the hymns or mantra portion of the Veds, and the Aitareya Brühmana and Aranyaka, the Kalpa and Grikya Sitra of Asvalayana, the Nighantu, Nirukta, Chhandas, Jyotish, and Siksha, and Panini's Ashtadhyayi ontram
library. The Sanhita and Pada our readers will understand; Krama, Jatd, and Ghana are different arrangements of the words in the mantras. All these I show below by an ex. ample:
त्रेधा त्रेधा निर्दधे।
सामानि, No. 10 to अथर्वाङ्गिरसः, No.11, and perhaps the Ved- Mahabharata No.19 corresponda remarkably to Ašvalâyana's angas trom 19 to 17,toकल्यान, and the rest to गांथा नारशंसी
इतिहास, and there is no reason to think thin did not form रितिहासपुराणानि. Of those latter the quotation from the |
part of the Brahma-yajna repeated in his time,