JUNE, 1874.)
áchárya. And Govarddhana Sruta Kevali went duties and other unlawful taxes. 15. The low, to the world of gods.
with hollow compliments, will get rid of the The next appearance of Bhadra Bâhu in noble, the good, and the wise. 16. Twelve years the history brings us to the events mentioned in the of dearth and famine will come upon this land. inscription :- And Chandragupta, the king One day, soon after, when Bhadra Bahu of På taliputra, on the night of full-moon in the had despatched his disciples in various directions month Kartika, had sixteen dreams. Hedreamed to beg for alms, himself went and stood before a that he saw-1, the sun setting; 2, a branch of the house where was an infant crying in its cradle. So kalpavriksha break off and fall; 3, a divine car loud were its cries that although he called out descending in the sky and returning'; 4, the twelve times no one heeded. From this sign he disk of the moon sundered ; 5, black elephants knew that the twelve years' famine had comfighting; 6, fireflies shining in the twilight ; 7, menced. And the king's ministers offered a dried-up lake; 8, smoke filling all the air ; 9, many sacrifices to avert the calamity, but Chanan ape sitting on a throne; 10, a dog eating the dragupta, to atone for their sin of taking payasa out of a golden bowl; 11, young bulls life, abdicated in favour of his son Sinha Sena, labouring; 12, Kshatriya boys riding on donkeys; and, taking dileshe, joined himself to Bhadra 13, monkeys scaring away swans; 14, calves Bána. jumping over the sea ; 15, foxes pursuing old Siñha Sena's ministers advise him to send oxen; and 16, a twelve-headed serpent ap- for Nammilva Bhantika and to perform a proaching. The king arose next day much great yugna (an illustration perhaps of the troubled in mind on account of these visions. way in which a Hindu government would deal After performing the morning ceremonies, he with such a calamity). But the Mula (Jaina) entered the council-hall, when the keeper of the Bråhmans are called, and a long discussion royal garden appeared with intelligence that ensues regarding the innocence or sinfulness of Bhadra B & hu Muni, travelling over many animal sacrifices, when the advocates of the countries, had arrived there. The king with latter doctrine prevail. all his councillors immediately went forth to do Bhadra B & h u then-proclaiming that all him reverence, and, after receiving religious
rain and cultivation will cease from the Vindhya instruction, informed him of the dreams. mountains as far as the Nilgiris; the people
Bhadra Bahu's interpretation of them, will die of starvation; those who remain here some parts being very significant and curious, will have their faith corrupted --collected a body is, in short, as follows:-1. All knowledge will of twelve thousand disciples and went southbe darkened: 2. The Jaina religion will de
wards. cline, and your successors on the throne take And on coming to a certain hill he perceived dikshe. 3. The heavenly beings will not hence- that his end was approaching. He therefore forth visit the Bharata kshetra. 4. The Jainas gave upadeśa to Visa kha Muni, and comwill be split into sects. 5. The clouds will not mitting all the disciples to his care sent them give seasonable rain, and the crops will be poor.
on under his guidance to the Chola and Pandya 6. True knowledge being lost, a few sparks will
countries. Chandragupta alone received glimmer with a feeble light. 7. Aryakhanda will permission to remain, who on his master's be destitute of Jaina doctrine. 8. The evil will death performed the funeral rites in a cave, and prevail, and goodness be hidden. 9. The vile, there abode, worshipping his footprints. the low-born, and the wicked will acquire power.
Meanwhile Visa khi charya, taking with 10. Kings, not content with a sixth-share, will him all the people, worshipping the Jaina bimba introduce land-rent and, demanding twice and (or images) of the various Jinalayas in the thrice the amount, oppress their subjects. 11. villages and towns on the way, and milking the The young will form religious purposes but
nectar of dharmma to the Jainas in those places, forsake them when old. 12. Kings of high dwelt in viháras in the Chola mandala. descent will associate with the base. 13. The The narrative then returns to the scene of low will torment the noble, and try to reduce the famine, and describes the sufferings of the them to the same level. 14. Kings will assist Jainas who had remained behind under Sthula in oppressing the people by levying customs | Bhadra Muni and others. Religious observ