Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 82
________________ 68 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1874. the above village which have fallen into dis- "The (land called) Kilveli, the K à vâli repair, for that purpose 15 mds 31 gulis in channel bank water-spread lands, the Pudu. the wet land called Shembada yân on the chêri- veli dry lands, the dry lands entered east, 12 mds 40 gulis in the Devad & nam in the other tperpetual distribution account. are wet land, 9 más 80 gulis in the Angalam- to be measured, and their inequalities adjusted. man Kovilpattam-these lands (1 véli 17 He who has less is to take of that which is given más 51 guļis) * in common shall be rented out up by him who has more than his fair share). for seven years, and after deduction of the ten- "The Kilveli river-bank, the river-bed lands, ant's share each year the remainder shall be the dry lands, and others, are to be measured as applied as follows: entered in the former agreement, and redivided Two years' income to the temple of Råmasvami. in the month Tei of the present year in comDo. do. ...Krishnasvâmi. pact blocks. The Adi crops which now stand One .......................... ........... Ishvaran. in the aforesaid lands are to be rented, and the Do......................... ............Ayyanar. rent divided among the miras da rs according Do. ......... ..........Pilleigår. to share. The tree-tax which may be assessed "In such manner must the income of the on trees growing in dry, river-bed, and waste several years be employed in the service of the lands as yet anassessed, shall be paid rateably said temples. The Government revenue on according to share. these lands is to be paid rateably on the 645 "In accordance with what is proper for cultieighth-ghares. Hereafter from the year Pre- vating tonants and others, the Paria h street, iôt pati the common land, set apart for the the Chucklers' street, and the house-sites service of the aforesaid temples, shall be enjoyed on the far side of the Puttår (a river). shall in a just and proper division for the rest of the be measured according to the former perpetual present kareivid by the soveral sharers to whom division, and inequalities (which have arison) adit may fall in the present distribution. The justed. He who has too much shall give up to income obtained from the above-mentioned lande him who has too little in the Kilveli lands, set apart for the restoration of the aforesaid and in the dry lands on either side of the Kå. temples shall not be spent in any other way. vå li channel. As 180 gulís of land, belonging to the eighth- "The common boundary banks which are es share of the aforesaid Krishņappa Nayak, tablished for the wet fields, both banke of the are in the possession of Kanaga sa bhei Ka väli channel, the channel for supplying Chetti, an equivalent deduction will be made the tank, the common banks in all the other from Krishņappa Nayak's share, and he lands, and the irrigation and drainage channels may sue Kanagas a bhei Chetti and get shall be cleared, strengthened, and maintained the land. The other sharers have no interest at the common cost. in it. "And whereas now, in the manner aforesaid, "The panjei (dry) lands were formerly the lands have been divided, their Government divided permanently (dchandrárkam) and the assessment is to be paid according to share. mirasd å rs of the aforesaid 641 eighth-shares The Government assessment on waste dry land, have made wet cultivation in some of those and on waste fit for wet cultivation, which is lands; those who have so done shall continue to now assessed on individual miras då rs, shall enjoy those lands and pay the wet-land assess- be paid according to the above shares. ment on them. Of the remaining dry lands, "For the lands now distributed, the entry in that on the outside of the river-bank, and that the Government aocounts shall be made accordinside and outside the bank of the Kå vâli ing to enjoyment. channel, shall be measured, and inequalities are "The lands allowed to tradesmen and artisans to be adjusted in the division of the outside lands shall be divided and enjoyed according to the only; and the land is to be enjoyed according above shares, and the Government assessment to the former kareiy ôlei. on them paid in the same way. • 1 vu 1 md = 1 guli = -8 scree; 33 do 0083 do. + Ác handzarkam Kareigði ei of the dry lands formerly divided


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