Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 03
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 81
________________ MARCA, 1874.] THE CUSTOM OF KAREIYID. 67 they did not prosper, thinking that if a ka mirâsd árs who have signed this have reigid were made for a long period they united, and, with a view to the proper execution might attain prosperity, they made one of six of the customary repairs above specified in order karois for twenty-five years, from Vikari that prosperity may be attained, have measured to the 30th of Chittrei in the year Rakták and classified the low- and high-level and other shi. But there was great loss, as, by reason of lands; and excluding the low-888essed service the lands being (split up) into various little lands, which are held by right of purchase, and holdings, the customary repairs by the villagers, the lands shown in the account as set apart for and the construction of banks were neglected), temples, Brâhmans, artisans, and others, as and the dams and boundaries were not repaired; entered in the former agreement, and enjoyed the channels and sub-channels were not pro- by the several persons and institutions from the perly cleared ; and no matter how much manure time of their ancestors, have classified such of or leaves were put on the nanjei (wet) fields the remaining lands as are Nanjei (wet), it did no good to the crop. The mirâ sd års and have allotted the shares (pangus) in four were for the most part badly off, and suffered kareis. And the following is the account hardship and distress. So, having considered the of the division: necessity of obtaining ordinary prosperity with 1. Sundarappay yan's "karei." out the recurrence of such (misfortunes), and Name. Shares in eightha. of the Government revenue being paid without the above Sundarappayyan ...... 64 the least trouble or deficiency; and whereas Venkatâchalayyan...... now in this present year the time has come for Subharayyan............ making kareigią, we have essayed to make Gópál Krishnayyan ... a kareiyid for a long period, and in ac Suppa Katti-Ayyan ... cordance with the division now prevailing. Krishnayyan ............ Towards that end we have made a petition in Ammân Subhayyan ... the Talak that the necessary assistance may Chinnammal ............ be granted, and all the mirâs dars have Ramasami Ayyan ... * voluntarily assembled in the presence of the Venkatáchala Chetti... 23 Tásildar, and have asked him. Besides the undersigned, who form) the majority of the Total... 16 eighths. mirâsd års, Kanagasabhei Chetti, 2. Aneiyappayyan's "karei." Appu Chetti, Râm. Sami Chetti, and Total (ten sharers) 16 eighths Vengappay yan who has obtained land (and so of the other two kareis, in which from the mirâs darChinngKishnayyan there were respectively eight and five sharers). on tenancy, these four persons, only owning ifth Total for all four kareis 64 eighths of a pangu (share), refuse to act in concert with of a share or pangu. all in the village. With the intention of causing “Out of the common land the above four embarrassment and strife, just as they please, kareis have been divided and distributed. the above four persons, in a dissentient spirit, "Suri Då vay yan's younger brother have declared that, contrary to custom on Shivaramayyan has half an eighth-share voluntary agreement [i. e. as opposed to decision (pangu). Altogether there are 65} eighths. by lot], an allotment must be made to them four In this way, following the pangu (share) alone of good land, without reference to its method, the division has been effected. And so various qualities, in one part of the village), or for the four kareis, when lots have been of various detached portions to be measured off thrown, according to the kareiy ôlei which for them from the several fields. In default of falls to them, the sharers shall enjoy the nan. this they will not agree to make kareiyid, jei (wet) lands of their respective kareis, on and will keep the same lands as they have held & just and proper distribution, for twenty-five hitherto. And whereas permission has been years, commencing from this year. given for all the mirâs dars who are willing “Moreover, as it is necessary to provide for to unite and make & kareiyid, all the the repairs and restoration of the temples in A slip of kadjan on which the specification of the lande is written.


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