I am the Soul
Non-Jains traditions. Comparative study of the works of Saint poets viz. Banarasidas, Kabir, Anandghanji and Srimad Rajachandra, was her topic for her Ph.D. She imbibed the spiritual teachings of the saint poets-cum-philosophers, while studying their works. This knowledge became an inseparable part of her personality and dominated her thoughts, lectures and writings. Tattva Jnana (Metaphysics) and Sadhvi Tarulata became synonymous and the epithet “Prakhara Tattva Vetta” given to her fitted her personality. Reading this book, one will be convinced of the above fact.
Revered Mahasatiji remains forever indebted to her Guru, the most revered Lalitabai Mahasatiji and Jagajivanji Maharaj Saheb. She was fortunate to serve the latter when he undertook fast of 45 days at Rajagiri. She was inspired by the total detachment of revered Gurudev and this enhanced her spiritual progress. Gurudev Jayantimuniji who was serving the tribals of Bihar had dedicated himself for the welfare of the downtrodden and was forever engrossed in spiritual contemplation, was a great source of inspiration for Tarulatabai Mahasatiji. The teachings of revered Bapji too have left an indelible mark on her. Swami Vivekananda, the torchbearer of spiritual and cultural India, also influenced her. The spiritual practices of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and his discrimination between the real and the unreal influenced her immensely. Similar was the influence of Ramana Maharishi whose indirect vicinity guided her to meditate upon the truth and ponder over the eternal question of“Who am I?" I am the Soul is the answer to the above and hence the title chosen for this work.
During the long period of 35 years of initiation, the most revered Mahasatiji had travelled by foot in the regions of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, etc. and a vast multitude of people have benefited from her profound knowledge.
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