I am the Soul
He replied with a smile, "Sadhviji! What is anger? I do not know at all." People who live with this octogenarian saint have never ever seen him get angry. Such a victor of passions, this Muniji must have made some great efforts in his earlier life.
But what state are we in? The ill feelings rampant within us, the passions do not subside, they are always popping up. First of all we are blissfully unaware that these passions are not favourable to us. How would they prick? And when they do not prick at all, why would you think of removing them? That is why there has been no effort earlier. Had we tried sincerely, perhaps such a natural state would have appeared in us too. But now, instead of lamenting over it, let us attempt reining our passions. This restraint will generate the natural state. That which needs to be conquered with a great effort now, will in future become the state of mind.
Thus a state of mind of renunciation and detachment alone will take a Jiva towards realisation. Then the attachment over all passions will diminish. But one whose attention is not upon self realisation, will develop attachment and get attracted to it. He will not be alert and is bound to slip up. To get free from attachment, not alertness alone, not caution alone, but every moment of self-awareness accompanied by restraint is essential.
Let us look at an episode from Ramayana. Rama and Sita are in the forest accompanied by Lakshmana. Lakshmana is avowed to safeguard Rama. Their hut is in the forest. As the night falls, Rama and Sita retire in the hut and Lakshmana is standing guard outside, fully awake. He is avowed to total renunciation of sleep. One night, Ravana's sister Shoorpanakha, appears before Lakshmana in the disguise of a beautiful damsel bedecked in ornaments and attractive attire. Lakshmana's youth, physique and handsome features attract Shoorpanakha. In the seclusion of the forest, to entice the lonely handsome man, she places the indecent proposal before him.
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