I am the Soul
remember the soul! Then where is the question of forgetting it? You are unaware that “I am the Soul”. That means, you are constantly in a state of having forgotten the Soul; since you are living in a state of forgetting the Self, you are indifferent. You may well be active physically and mentally, but if you are not living with a regard for the Soul, then it is all indifference.
To get rid of such indifference, Srimadji has ordered a selfstudy of Charankarananuyoga. The vows, observances, activities, the aspects of external character and the ways to express the internal character detailed therein if understood, assimilated and brought into action, then the state of indifference can be overcome.
The days of observances mentioned in our tradition, namely the second, fifth, eight, eleventh and the fifteenth day of the lunar months were also devised by our Acharyas for this purpose. A jiva is inspired to observe vows and pratyakhyan on those days too, and in doing so progresses in the feeling of virati bhava - detachment and can achieve the apramatta bhava in totality.
In the order of Gunasthanas, the fifth-sixth place is taken by Virati bhava, and then the seventh gunasthana is held by apramatta bhava. Until the virati bhava awakens in totality, the jiva does not reach the totally apramada state. Hence, for a jiva, vows and pratyakhyan are very necessary. One who protests against vows and pratyakhyan should understand that unless the virati bhava arises to put an end to involvement, the jiva cannot proceed in the direction of progress of the soul. Hence whether a householder sadhaka or an ascetic sadhaka, it is imperative for both to eliminate indifference - pramada through the self-study of charanakarananuyoga.
If the mind has become passionate, then it is advisable to study the Dharmakathanuyoga. Anger, pride, attachment and aversion keep rising in a jiva time and again. Sometimes these passions subside immediately, while at others, they stay long. A jiva constantly experiencing the kashaya bhava - passionate
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