I am the Soul
and non-sufferer. Thus Sankhya and Yoga support the beliefs of Jain philosophy. The weight of the body rests upon the legs. The tree of the body is standing upon the roots of legs. Only if the legs are strong will the body-tree be able to stand. Both these philosophies are very close to Jain philosophy from the viewpoint of Niscaya naya and hence they have been called the legs of the Jain philosophy.
भेद-अभेद-सुगत-मीमांसक, जिनवर दोय कर भारी रे
tahirita 3116619 fet, Tayarît staard t...3 Sugata i.e. Bouddhas who believe all atmas to be separate and Mimamsakas who believe all atmas to be one, are the two arms of the Jineshwar. They seem to form the support for loka and aloka. These can be understood only in the refuge of the Guru.
Jain darshan from the view of dravyastika naya believes all atmas to be one, i.e., considering the true form all atmas are alike. And from the view of paryayastika naya believes all atmas to be separate. The transitions of all those are different at different times. From the Jain philosophy's view, the Mimamsaka Darshan is dravyastika nayavadi and the Bouddha darshan is paryayastika nayavadi.
All the substances in this loka - aloka can be thoroughly understood with the help of these two nayas. Two hands that are on the body are more active, they put in more effort. They rove over the entire body and do all things for the body. Many other activities are carried out by the hands. In just the same way, the aforesaid two nayas enlighten us fully about all substances. Indeed, these two darshanas are acceptable to Jain philosophy from the viewpoint of one naya each.
लोकायतिक कूख, जिनवरनी, अंशविचार जो कीजे रे, Tra falar purch ORT, [574-faut fc64 ust...
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