I am the Soul
The atheistic Charvak darshan is like the stomach of Jineshwar deva, but from one aspect alone. The nectar of philosophical thought cannot be tasted without surrendering to the Guru.
We have learnt earlier that Charvak darshan does not accept atma etc. How can such an atheistic darshan be equated with Jineshwar deva's stomach? The reply to this is - Jain darshan accepts five proofs - pramanas. Before arriving at an inference about any substance, it adopts various methods of evaluation. Among them - 1. Pratyaksha, 2. Parokhsa, 3. Agama, 4. Anuman, and 5. Upmana, are the five proofs that the Jain philosophers apply while arriving at any conclusion. The Charvak followers accept but one of these, namely the Sensory Direct Proof. That is, they accept only a minor portion of the Jain concepts. From this view, they are similar to Jain philosophy.
Whatever you pour into the stomach, it does not retain anything with it and gives away everything to the body. In the same way, The Charvak followers have retained only one aspect of the philosophy and given up all the rest. Hence, they have been taken as one part of the stomach of Jineshwar deva. And lastly -
जैन जिनेश्वर उत्तम अंग, अन्तरंग - बहिरंगे रे अक्षर न्यास धरा आराधक, आराधे धरी संगे रे .
Jain darshan has been equated with the most superior part of the body, i.e. the head, both internally and externally. An aradhaka jiva places the teachings of this philosophy in his mind and practises devotedly along with his Guru.
It is not as if Shri Anandghanji Maharaj has termed Jain darshan as the most superior part because he was a Jain. But Jain darshan is an anekantavadi philosophy. It considers all things from all angles. In considering all viewpoints, it absorbs
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