I am the Soul in much the same way as was done by the jivas in the fourth ara during the times of Tirthankar Prabhu - with the same tremendous internal effort, the same erosion of Karmas and the same upashama. There is no change in them either due to ara or kshetra. It is not as if in the days of the Tirthankar one had to put in less effort and now it demands more tremendous effort. Of course, if the period is superior, the circumstances internally - externally become more conducive, for a quicker move towards the tremendous effort. There is no difference otherwise.
These days there are many who praise the greatness of the Mahavideha Kshetra. They say that if one reaches Mahavideha Kshetra after death then one can attain moksa. Well, that is true, for there, now as always, the feelings that prevail are like those in the fourth ara. There is a possibility of the yogas of Tirthankars and Kevalis to occur. That is to say, the way of devoted practice for moksa occurs earlier. It is just that we now have the fifth ara going, otherwise when the fourth ara is on, there is no difference between Mahavideha and this earth. The devoted practice that can be done there, can also be achieved here. In the past, infinite number of jivas have reached moksa from this Kshetra, and they will do so in future too; there will be no change in that.
As such the path to moksa, which is in the total elimination of attachment and aversion, is the same at all times in all places. In the words of Srimadji -
“There are no two ways to moksa. All those great men who in the past attained the eternal peace in the form of moksa, did so on only one path, are doing so in the same way in the present, and will do so in the same way in future. On that path there is no variance, there is no deviation, there is no arrogance, there is no sect or non-sect, there is no belief or non-belief. It is a straightforward path, it leads through death and it is stable and naturally in the form of peace. That path is in existence at all times. Without absorbing the essence of that path, nobody
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