I am the Soul
awaken the natural bhava and even then there is a slip up and affected feelings do not realise where the slip up occurred. The effect of affected disposition of the infinite number of jivas in this vast universe continues endlessly.
Brothers! Why so? Our own true form is miles away and the result of interaction with the alien is so close! Well, the only reason is that we have never ever thought of settling down in our natural disposition nor have we become determined to come out of the affected disposition. But a jiva in whom the atmartha has awakened, that is, a jiva who is active only in the realisation of the soul, is in the effort of achieving the natural disposition. Such an eligibility has arisen within him.
The path of Moksa cannot be achieved by one in whom such an eligibility does not appear. And a jiva who has strayed from the path, who is wandering hither- thither, cannot even recognise a precious stone lying close by. Atma has to be attained through atma. Nothing else needs to be done. If only this is understood, if somebody who can explain this is found, then the effort to merge with the Self could be done. The wandering is the result of not having found a Sadguru, to explain this. Kabir says -
भटक मुआ भेटू बिना, कौन बतावे धाम ?
चलते चलते जुग गयो, पाव कोस पर गाम !
Alas! The fool has wandered aimlessly until now because he did not find a 'bhedu' (Sadguru). Who else but a Sadguru can guide to the abode of the Self? Ages have passed in wandering, but the abode could not be found. Today I realise that the 'village' was but a furlong away from where I started.
How very true! Its not even a furlong away. We have wandered this universe for infinite time. In comparison this furlong is insignificant. The 'abode' is so close that you just have to resolve and you will be there.
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