I am the Soul
धम्मज्जियं च ववहारं, बुद्धेहिं आयरियं सया।
तमायरन्तो ववहारं, गरहं नाभिगच्छई ।। १।४२ ॥
A learned Sadhaka follows vyavahar with the goal of pure Dharma. One who so pursues vyavahar cannot become the subject of criticism. Vyavahar should not be for vyavahar alone but must be in consonance with Niscaya. Many ignorant jivas believe that performing renunciation, fasting, poojas and devotion is itself dharma and that it will fetch them to Moksa. But Srimadji has told earlier that - 3124 INT FRITHI, a FPGT - those believing that external activity is itself the entirety, are in gross misunderstanding. They cannot attain the soul. That is why Anandghanji Maharaj also says -
वचन निरपेक्ष व्यवहार झुठो कह्यो, वचन सापेक्ष व्यवहार साचो; वचन निरपेक्ष व्यवहार संसार फल,
Hivat sucht cnis Trat... Eri According to the order of the Jineshwar, if vyavahar is observed as external Charitra, then it being in accordance with the Jinavachana, the Nijapada can be attained. But if the religious observances are being followed with disresepect to the Jinavani, as mere religious activity, then their result will be nothing but sansar. Anandghanji Maharaj takes pity upon such people and as such says 'why do you get engrossed in such contrary behaviour listening to ignorant people? It will not offer a good result.' That is to say the vyavahar that does not help attain the essence of the Self, which is not with the goal of self realisation, that vyavahar is wrong and its result can only be sansar. Hence, the vyavahar that sets the path of parmartha, which makes that path free from obstacles, that vyavahar is approved by the sages and that alone is worth following.
What the atmarthi jiva is in search of with belief in such feelings and engrossed in vyavahar with the goal of niscaya will be discussed in the next.
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