I am the Soul
attained moksa in the past, nobody is attaining it in present, and nobody will in the future."
Shree Jina has told us of thousands of acts and has given us thousands of pointers only to give us that path; and if those acts and pointers are followed for attaining that path, they will succeed; if the path is forgotten and merely the acts and pointers are absorbed, they are all futile.
The way in which Shree Mahaveer went across is also the same way Shree Krishna will go. The way in which Shree Krishna goes across, is the way in which Shree Mahaveer has gone. When this path is attained, wherever you are, at whatever time, in whatever status, in whichever yoga, it will be an experience of the pure, everlasting, infinite extra-sensory pleasure of the true state. This path is probable from anywhere. In the absence of appropriate material, even the greats have also got stuck while attaining this path, they will get stuck and had got stuck.
What is the path of moksa - Mokshamarg? The true devoted practice of the Ratnatray is itself mokshamarg. The path on which there is a devoted practice of jnana, darshan and charitra is mokshamarg. In the scriptures, it has been told in two ways. Devotedly practising jnana, darshan and charitra as independent concepts is Vyavahar Mokshamarg and experiencing them as unified in form is Niscaya Mokshamarg. Srimadji has also said in his 'Moolamarg Rahasya' -
तेणे अभेद परिणामथी रे, ज्यारे वर्ते ते आत्मारूप; तेह मारग जिननो पामियो रे किंवा पाम्यो ते निज स्वरूप
एम देव जिनंदे भाखीरे, मोक्षमार्गनुं शुद्धस्वरूप
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