I am the Soul
in mistaking the Samavasarana and such powers for the true inner form of the Jina. What is the result of these two follies? Explaining how stubborn the beliefs of the Matarthi become because of these follies, Srimadji says -
प्रत्यक्ष सद्गुरुयोगमां, वर्ते दृष्टि विमुख, असद्गुरुने दृढ करे, निज मानार्थे मुख्य
A Matarthi is a mithyatvi jiva and even a mithyatvi may be born with some punya in store, and as a result of that punya he may even get the proximity of a Sadguru. There may even be interaction with him. He may even be serving the Guru physically. Ah! he may be even hearing the Guru's speech. Yet in spite of all this, neither the Guru's words nor his orders remain with the Matarthi. What he wouldn't do to hear the Guru! If it meant spending money, he would willingly spend. He would believe and make believe that he is really listening. But alas! Like an upturned pot.
An upturned pot, placed under the rain-trench in a downpour, doesn't collect even a drop of water and on the contrary knocks about and eventually shatters as the yard gets filled with rainwater. Similarly, the Matarthi jiva hears the advice, but not a single word gets absorbed. Not just that, he behaves quite the contrary to what he has been told. A leech stuck to the cow's udder does not drink milk, it only sucks blood. Similarly, the Matarthi jiva, instead of absorbing the good out of the priceless advice of the Guru, looks for the faults.
I am reminded of what Moraribapu once said. He was rendering Ramayana in a village. One evening a youth approached him and said, "Bapu! I have a question".
Bapu was elated. He thought, 'Aha! How interested this young fellow is in Ramayana! Obviously he has contemplated upon the story he heard, and hence he must have this question.' With great joy Bapu said, "Ask me".
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