I am the Soul
elusive. But let me ask you, do you ever shed tears with these thoughts - “The yearning for the soul never arises in me! I do not get a regular opportunity of Satsang! I do not get the reasons that would awaken my true selfor "I am unable to create such upadana that my true self could be awakened!”. Have you ever been bothered deep within for these? If not, then safely believe that you are unlucky. Even after getting the material things or wealth as much as you want, you are still very unlucky. The misfortune will not pass unless the pain arises within and you will not be able to get the company of the Sages.
Srimadji has tried to explain to such unlucky jivas the various types of shortcomings that hurt. He therefore says that in such jiva the passions have not subsided. Much as he may detach himself, much as he may perform vows and vratas, he is unable to give up the reasons that generate passions. He gets drawn away by all the reasons that come and changes according to them, for he does not know that, “Passions are not my true form. I am a dispassionate, detached Soul. Passions come as reasons but I should not mix with them”. Such a determination has not occured in him. Only when he accepts that passions are worthy of rejection, can the strength of determination awaken in him and that strength will subjugate the passions.
Brothers! One has to put in a tremendous effort to conquer the passions. In the trying fields of life, one has to remain undeterred in the face of reasons that arise at every step. There will be reasons for anger etc., yet if the determination that, “I do not want to mix up with these”, always remains within the Self, then one does not succumb to them while leading the life, as the Self is alert and gradually the passions subside. But who can maintain such alertness? Only the one in whose Soul the urge to discover the Self has awakened. In whosoever it hasn't awakened they all are in the category of Matarthis. If we are not engaged in the effort to subjugate our passions then it should be understood that our name also appears in the same list.
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