I am the Soul
directed towards obtaining happiness from those other substances. This perverted view keeps him from understanding the truth. As such his ‘mithyatva is not dispelled. Since “mithyatva' remains, the attraction towards passions does not diminish. All his activities are centred around the indulgence in passions. Anandghanji Maharaj has said in yet another place -
सयल सांसारी इन्द्रियरामी
All worldly jivas, that is jivas with outward souls, indulge their senses. As a result every passing moment they are bound by sins and the infinite world goes on expanding. Such jivas are at the “Mithyatva Gunasthana'. Where there is mithyatva, there is ignorance, and that is bound to make the jiva straggle. When the tremendous effort of the jiva emerges and he moves from the darkness of mithyatva towards the light, then he is touched by ‘samyaktva'. The self awareness that 'I am not the body but an animate substance apart from the body occurs to him.
With the attainment of samyakdarshan, the jiva enters the state of ‘antarutma' - the inner soul. Until now the activity was directed towards the body, he was attached to it. That view changes and he becomes a witness for the actions of the body, mind, senses and so on. He remains in the body only as a witness, not mixing with the joys and sorrows of the body. He does not consider that joy or sorrow as his own. Whatever discomfort, pain, joy or sorrow that is happening is in the body. I am different from the body. I am not the body. Thus when he becomes aware of the body being a separate substance, he will be free from the idea of own happiness in an alien substance. The firm belief that own happiness is within the self, not in another substance or person, will prevail. The attachment towards all passions will be lost as a result. He remains engaged in only the thoughts of the Soul.
Anandghanji has said -
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