I am the Soul
It is the duty of every Jain to understand the true form of Jina of whom he is a follower. Who and how is a Jina? Yes we already have the simple definition that says - one who has conquered the feelings of attachment and aversion and attained a fully dispassionate state is a Jina. But this is inadequate in defining the complete true form of Jina. The true form of the Arihant, the supreme soul is wonderful, encompassing infinite virtues. We may not be capable of understanding the true-form in its totality, but our great sages have tried to explain so that we may develop faith, devotion and respect for the Jineshwar. One of the Acharyas says while telling us about the true form of Arihant -
सहज निज आलोक से भासित स्वयं संबुद्ध हैं धर्म तीर्थंकर शुभंकर वीतराग विशुद्ध हैं।
गति प्रतिष्ठा त्राण दाता आवरणसे मुक्त हैं देव अर्हन् दिव्य योगज अतिशयोंसे युक्त हैं .
सहज निज आलोक से भासित - The knowledge of the Jineshwar - Arihant - Supreme Soul is enlightening for the self- as also for others. He is the one who knows the self and the entire world through his knowledge. Not just that, he is also self-taught. In other words, the soul prepared to become the Tirthankar, is born with such capability, carried forward from the penance of the previous births, that in this life the necessity of the Guru's advice does not remain. The urge to take the ordainment rises on its own. He does not have to be enlightened by somebody to accept the necessary character. In fact, he is born with Mati, Shruti and Avadhi jnana - the three types of knowledge and the fourth - the Samyagdarshan - the True Faith. Even during the gestation, these strengths are with him and as such he knows beforehand that he is to become the Tirthankar later. Thus, to illuminate his soul, no other light is necessary. He is self-enlightened.
- One who establishes the shrine, the Tirtha of Dharma, is called the Tirthankar. Brothers! Establishing a shrine
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