I am the Soul
What happens when our digestion is poor, and we continue to eat everything? We suffer indigestion, take ill and sometimes may even die as a result. First of all correct the digestion and then eat the heavy stuff. Brothers! The concepts of philosophy are not easily digestible, they too require worthiness, the ability to digest, only then can they be digested.
If at present we lack the ability, an effort should be made to awaken it. Seldom is a divine soul born with the worthiness as a result of the effort done in previous births. Aivanta a child-sage was born with this worthiness. He took off with Gautam, and offered himself at the feet of a great Guru - Mahaveera. After being ordained as a Muni, being a child, after all, he once made the mistake of playing with a leaf-boat in water which has life in it. But his inherent worthiness turned this mistake of his into a gift. Bhugwun asked cryptically -
“Aivanta, should we be doing this?”
With great remorse, and in repentance, Aivanta said, "What shall I do, O Lord?”
“Son! Take the vow of Iriyavahi padikkami (SFRUTET 11544ft)!”
And Brothers! With a sincere feeling, to repent, to purify, to rid the soul of all torment, Aivanta performed the rigorous penance of Iriyavahi and with the subjugation of the Mohaniya and jnanavarniya karma, he was endowed with the knowledge of eleven parts, his inner sight opened. This was his greatest worthiness.
We are under the great burden of karma. There is not even a semblance of worthiness in us. In the past (births) perhaps there might have been a good opportunity. But we have lost the bet. Now how long do we continue to lose? How many births do we pass in the same way? If there is even a little sense, an understanding in us, let us make an effort to attain that worthiness.
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