I am the Soul
Tirthankar's path the Ganadhars, Kevalis, Purvadhars, Labdhidhars, Nirgrantha Munis et al are the Apta Purushas. If we were to march to their order, Samyag Darshan will not be far.
In principle too, there is the need for the Apta Purush in attaining Samyaktva. Shri Umaswati has said in Tattvartha Sutra -
तन्निसर्गादधिगमाद्वा ।
Several jivas attain Samyag Darshan naturally - nisargat, that is to say there is nothing or nobody instrumental for it. Several other jivas attain it by some means - adhigamat.
When a jiva, who is misguided from infinite time - who has not even a touch of samyaktva, whose ignorance continues, who has never experienced the soul - attains samyaktva for the first time, it is either because the Tirthankar Prabhu or some Satpurush is instrumental. It has to be in their refuge, because of the devoted practice on their order. That is, whether we call them Apta Purush or Sadguru, only when we get engrossed in them can we attain Samyaktva.
Secondly, if such jiva - who has once been touched by samakit, who has accepted the self-realisation - becomes misguided, or loses samakit due to the rise of some mohaniya karma, it does not need any more instigation to resume the effort for attaining samakit. If there is some instigation, such a jiva will make the effort at a faster pace. If there is no instigation, it takes long to attain samakit.
So in this gatha, the feeling of the jiva engrossed in the Sadguru has been called Samakit. That is only because an interest in the order of the Guru is a direct instigation for attaining Samakit. Hence the effect has been lodged in the cause and that has been called Samakit.
Now let's look at the next necessary effort for a jiva...
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