I am the Soul
What state of detachment would he be experiencing? Sometimes, even for a few moments, when our mind is peaceful and the feelings of attachment and the like have as if died down, what a great delight we experience! Then how wonderful should be the true form of the one who is free from all blemishes! Appearing in this earthly world, born with three - mati, shruta and avadhi - jnanas and kshayik samakit, attaining a progressive state of spiritual growth, how unparalleled would be the inner state of the Prabhu when he attains kevaljnana! How can we visualise that true inner form? It is beyond the limits for ignorant jivas like us. Yet, it is not only essential that we know this true inner form, but also place our faith in it and attempt to realise it.
Further describing this true inner form, Shri Manatungacharya says with great devotion -
त्वामव्ययं विभुमचिन्त्यमसंख्यमाद्यम् ब्रह्माणमीश्वरमनन्तमनंगकेतुम् योगावरं विदितयोगमनेकमेकम्
ज्ञानस्वरूपममलं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः ॥ २८ ।। While singing the praises of Bhagwan Adinath, Acharyashri has bestowed several adjectives on the Prabhu. Although no adjective is adequate enough to describe the great true form of the Jineshwar, yet out of devotion, beautiful words flow out in praise of the Prabhu.
Prabhu is ‘avyayi (312441 ) - constant. Avyaya is something in which no change can occur. We come across avyaya in grammar. Wherever an avyaya be placed in the formation of a sentence, it remains the same in all tenses, all forms, all genders. Its structure does not change at all. The true form which the Prabhu has attained is infinite and unlimited. The complete purity of his soul is such that now nothing can tarnish it. He has attained complete perfection. Those impressions remain for infinite time. He has totally absorbed the state of jnata-drasta (FTMA - 5ET), and hence Prabhu is ‘avyayi'.
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