I am the Soul
Nija pada means the precious natural disposition - svarupa - of oneself. “I am the Soul', 'I am in the form of sat-chid-ananda', 'I am the eternal unhindered unflawed substance' - this goal of the natural self - svarupa - arises in the jiva.
Brothers! How fruitful is the refuge at the feet of the Sadguru! You get what you could never ever find anywhere else. In another poem of his, Srimadji has expressed this same idea in greater detail
बिना नयन पावे नहीं, बिना नयन की बात; सेवे सद्गुरु के चरण, सो पावे साक्षात्, बुझी चहत जो प्यास को, है बुझानकी रीत; पावे नहीं गुरुगम बिना, एह अनादि स्थित ।
What is this fart 724 ata - the matter where eyes have no role to play? That experience which cannot be gained through the senses, which is beyond the senses - the experience of the Self - is the matter where eyes are not required. Our bodily eyes can see everything tangible - corporeal - in this world, but the intangible - incorporeal - soul is not visible to the eyes. What does one do if one has to see the soul, has to know it? To see the intangible Soul one needs intangible eyesight. In other words, the inner eyes have to be opened. The opening of the inner sight, the intense perseverance to achieve the state of self-realisation alone can make one experience the Soul. But who drives you to this desire? One who has himself gone through the experience. Hence go, seek refuge at the feet of a Satpurush who has experienced the Soul, and you will personally achieve the Soul!
A sadhaka soul, who has not accepted the presence of the stream of supreme bliss that flows from the soul, and as such is experiencing a scalding thirst for it, is intensely perturbed over it; the sadhaka soul yearning for an audience - darshana - with, for the presence of a Satpurush who is immersed in the flow of paramananda; the sadhaka soul tormented by the doubling thirst,
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