Contents of the book
A detailed and exhaustive commentary on the Atmasiddhi Shastra was completed in about 800 pages and as it was not practical to publish in one volume, we decided to publish the same in two volumes.
The first volume includes Gathas (couplets) 1 to 58. At the very outset the six essential characteristics of the soul as told by Srimad Rajachandra are introduced. Today people are spiritually ignorant and materialistic in their attitude. They are unaware of their true selves and involved in futile material affairs. The Atmasiddhi Shastra elaborates the essentials for spiritual upliftment and also describes the nature and dealings of a person who is spiritually inclined.
In the second volume Gathas 59 to 142 are analysed and the six essential characteristics of the soul are elaborated. Also the doubts arising in the mind of the disciple regarding the same are cleared. The disciple who has acquired the 'Bodhi Bija' i.e. right faith realises 'the self' and the nature of a self realised soul is portrayed. The subjects discussed in the first 118 Gathas as also summarised by Srimad Rajachandra are also presented in this volume.
The literature of Srimad Rajachandra is written in a very simple language and the style too is unique. One may question that when the work is simple and self explanatory what is the need of such a detailed and exhaustive commentary? The reason for this is to understand and explain the importance of Atmasiddhi Shastra from Jaina view-point. Although the work is simple, it is replete with spiritual and metaphysical knowledge and the entire text of Atmasiddhi Shastra is analysed from various view points.
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