I am the Soul
is lost. Why? How does this happen? Don't animals take pleasure from the external joy that they get?
What is your definition for happiness? Whoever has the external joy and comforts is happy. You must have heard people say, 'So and so is a very happy man'. If you ask why, you are told, 'He has got everything, a wife, a car, a mansion. He is happy because he has all this'. This is external happiness. The craving for these external pleasures is infatuation, foolishness. The more you try to acquire these pleasures, the stronger your infatuation grows. The resultant aberration of your natural self in the form of rising passions of attachment and aversion in turn creates a sequence of Karma bondage. The happiness that resides in your soul then gets lost in the crowding mass of Karma. A Jiva burdened with Karma cannot experience the happiness of the soul. That is why Srimadji has said, “Joy is lost as you get joy”. While we rush towards external pleasures, the internal happiness is lost. For it is a futile attempt to extract happiness out of something in which it does not exist. This madness takes you away from reality. These conflicting efforts are called Mithyatva (feelica) - illusion.
CUT BUT HURT YTA HRUT AT BETE TET - this line has a great meaning that needs to be understood. What is virtual death? And what is physical death? We all know physical death. We have seen every big and small animal dying. The going away of the Soul from the body is physical death. Who doesn't know this? But has the view of a physical death ever provoked thoughts about virtual death in you? Brothers! Who can attain siddhi - the special endowment? Only the ones who have the natural ability to receive it. Owing to its own ability, whenever the need arises such a Jiva ponders over its self. Such occasions make it introspective.
Srimad Rajachandraji, the composer of Atmasiddhi Shastra', was just seven years old when a gentleman by name Amichandbhai died in their village Vavaniya. This person was
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