पीठे चंदन पण शीतलता पामे नहीं खर धरणी, मणि माणेक रत्नो उरमां पण, शोभ न पामे धरणी
भाव धर्म स्पर्शन विण निष्फल तप, जप, संयम करणी, शब्द-शास्त्र सह भाव धर्मता सहजानंद निसरणी .....
I am the Soul
What experience do the learned have? What do they know? The female Musk Deer does not benefit from the Musk that is there in her own navel. The bottle of perfume is full to the brim yet it knows not the fragrance. A funnel swallows loads of ghee yet it remains empty. The flour mill eats up tons of grain yet gains no strength from it. The ass does not enjoy the cooling effect of Sandalwood although it carries loads of it on its back. The earth does not sparkle in spite of the jewels and precious stones in its store. All penance, chanting and abstinence will be in vain unless the soul is involved in it. Religion practised with knowledge and rituals, with the active involvement of the soul, will be like the ladder that takes you to liberation and the joy realising the true and natural self.
Brothers! The gist of this fifth couplet is that the materialisation of the precise theoretic principles in our day-today life, at every moment is spirituality, is genuine introspection and a perfect demonstration of mature effort (mm).
Jain Educationa International
Having explained the two archetypes of beings lost on the path of Moksa, Srimadji now goes on to describe that path and guides us on how to traverse it.
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