I am the Soul
जे स्वरूप समज्या विना, पाम्यो दुःख अनन्त,
This jiva has done everything. Has tried to unravel all mysteries, has ripped open the Earth to the depths, has fathomed the oceans, roamed the skies, built supersonic space-crafts, mastered the might of Atom and enslaved its energies. The only thing that he left out is the search of the Self. He never felt the need to look into the depths within. Thus he who knows everything about the world around him, is totally ignorant about his own Self. Result is infinite suffering until now and until such time as he remains unaware of the true nature of Self. Unless the true nature of the Self is realised, there shall be no end to this suffering; and to achieve real happiness it is essential to understand the fundamental nature and the persistent mutation of the two elements that make up this universe - the animate and the inanimate.
The inanimate is also susceptible to change. It is mutating every second and being unaware of this fact, we have felt anguished at the changes in the inanimate, several times in our life. The inanimate, by nature is subject to decay, disintegration and destruction. This is a natural process and cannot be stopped. When once this realisation dawns upon us, no loss or damage to anything inanimate will make us sorrowful. For that matter, even the death of a loved one can be borne with a strong heart by one who knows and believes that death is merely the respective transition of the animate and the inanimate, that it is simply the end of the soul's stay in that body, that it is also the end of the stay of the inanimate particles in the form of the body. This mutation is inevitable. It is happening everywhere, all the while, in a transparent way. Death is merely a mutation which is visible. Why lament over it? Thus what is generally considered a reason for sorrow does not affect the one who realises the nature of Self.
Death becomes a reason of sorrow only because of our attachments and illusions. If we can withdraw such feelings reserved for someone, that will be the end of our grief. We are
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