I am the Soul
Learning through knowledge, experiencing the knowledge through right perception and preserving the momentary experience forever through conduct; these are merely phases of the same process. Thus knowledge, perception and conduct are not to be seen as three independent processes. They are in fact, the sequential manifestation of the state of self-realisation.
Conduct is not just external austerities and rituals, apparels and gender but the realisation of the nature of the self - I am the Soul. Until this realisation occurs, the being mistakes the external vows-rituals for conduct and remains engrossed in them. The material conduct - Dravya Charitra is merely a means to achieving the real inner conduct - Bhava Charitra, nothing more.
This is the path of liberation, only if the true form of these three jewels is realised and followed with devotion, not otherwise. Srimadji now describes for us the ones bogged down in rituals -
बाह्य क्रियामां राचता, अंतर्भेद न कांई ज्ञान मार्ग निषेधता, तेह क्रियाजड आई
..... ४
The scriptures have laid down the rituals and activities to be followed, keeping in view the ideal householders and the ideal ascetics, in such a way that following them will immediately lead a devout being to self realisation, which is meditating on religion in the true sense. The ones who are bogged down in rituals tend to forget the true reason and be done with the external activities. In fact, they remain engrossed in them day in and day out, meticulous in their observance, ensuring that not even a step is missed. Whether a householder or an ascetic, they remain active in the rituals and contented on having performed them. But what is the outcome?
Brothers! The scriputres even tell us about that unworthy being who was never to attain Moksa, although he emulated the pure character of Shri Gautama, never faltered in thought, speech or deed while observing mahavratas or samiti-guptis, and yet
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